05 - travel

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The summer break had finally begun and after George's first place on Sunday, things were looking pretty good for him again in the World Championship standings. However, he still didn't seem 100 percent happy on the podium and I was happy to be able to hug him again soon. 

It was now late afternoon, almost evening, when Emilia and I arrived at the train station and got on the train. My best friend had been with me for the last few days since George left and while I was happy to have her there, it was nothing compared to George. 

My nightmares and panic attacks were still there, but at least I always had someone close to me who was there for me. In addition, Emilia more or less forced me to leave the apartment at least once a day and we usually went for a walk. 

Today, however, the suitcases were packed because we were going to London. Due to my health condition, flying wasn't very good yet, which is why we decided to take the night train.

"Will Lando pick you up?" I asked my best friend.

"No, he's still at headquarters, I'll pick him up."

She beamed happily at me and I was glad that she had found someone who loved her like Lando did. From day one I felt this connection between the two of them and I was happy that they got along so well. 

From time to time I was even a little jealous of the two of them because there were no problems in their lives and they were able to live their relationship unconditionally, unlike George and me, unfortunately.

"Is George coming to pick you up?"

I quickly stowed my suitcase next to the door and then took a seat on the seat next to the window. Emilia sat down opposite me and looked at me questioningly.

"Yeah, he doesn't want me to travel alone."

That's exactly how George had put it, and it touched me that he was so caring and worried.

"That's really sweet of him. I've never seen a relationship as perfect as yours."

"Perfect," I said ironically and laughed before I let my gaze slide out the window.

"No, I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry. I mean this connection between you, this strong, unconditional love," she gushed and I rolled my eyes ironically.

"Yes, but you love Lando too and he loves you."

"Eh, but between you everything is just deeper, stronger, more perfect."

"Yeah, well, I'll send you the wedding invitation," I said, laughing.

Although this was meant to be a joke, I thought about this sentence for a while and remembered it when George and I were sitting on my balcony last week. We may not be married, but one day we will be. That sentence gave me goosebumps, but to be honest, I hadn't thought that far. 

After all, we had only known each other for a year and while this connection between us was special, no question, there were really bigger things to worry about at the moment.

"Are you actually nervous about meeting George's family?"

Surprised, I took my eyes off the setting sun and looked at my best friend.

"Not really. I don't expect much from people, too many have treated me badly, so I just always assume that and then it's usually better anyway. Plus, I know his parents and they're both really incredible and sweet as they are. They took me into their family and accepted me. They feel more like parents than my own. They are really fantastic, like a family I never had."

Stronger Together | George RussellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora