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hey, this is the second part to Lucky Charm! have fun reading and i would appreciate any feedback so let me know what you think about it!


After the two anthems had finished, the trophies were presented. George was the first to receive his, raising it high in the air as he jumped happily. His whole team applauded, but the Mercedes driver only looked at one person standing below the podium, Annabelle. 

The two did not take their eyes off each other, all the while the other two drivers received their trophies. George was brought back to reality by a cold champagne shower and immediately grabbed the bottle and started to hose down the others. A final picture was then taken and the crowd below the podium slowly dispersed.

"What an amazing weekend, George drove absolutely fantastic."

Annabelle smiled at the Mercedes boss who appeared next to her and nodded in agreement with his statement. Before the conversation could be established, Toto apologized as another man approached him. 

Grinning but a little lost, Annabelle stood in front of the Mercedes garage and looked around. When she spotted a little boy and his mum, her eyes widened even more and she immediately went over to them.

"George has won!" shouted the boy, beaming all over his face.

Laughing, Annabelle agreed with him and picked him up. Jack immediately wrapped his arms around her neck and the two women looked at each other with a grin. Toto soon joined his wife and son and they began to talk happily about the race. 

When the Mercedes boss looked past Annabelle, he took his son from her. She then turned round in surprise and spotted George coming towards her. His smile immediately widened when he saw her and Annabelle ran to meet him. She didn't care that he wasn't the world champion. 

She knew that he might only be at the top for a week. She didn't care that there were umpteen people standing around her in the Pitlane. She didn't care that George was all sweaty and full of champagne. She didn't care about any of that, she just wanted to take him in her arms, which she did. George immediately returned the warm embrace.

"I love you," he mumbled into her hair and she leant back a little in his arms.

"I love you my future champion."

After this sentence, she joined her lips with those of the Mercedes driver and he happily returned the kiss. His hands, which were on her waist, pulled her even closer to him and the kiss deepened. Applause interrupted them and they broke away immediately.

"Congratulations George, really well done. This year is gonna be yours."

"Thanks Toto."

The two men high-fived and Susie and Jack also congratulated George. Together, the small group walked back to the Mercedes garage, in front of which the whole team had already gathered to take a photo together. While George crouched down in the center, next to the two trophies, Annabelle stood a little to the side with Susie and Jack. 

As soon as the photographer had given the okay that the picture would fit, bottles were emptied and loud cheers erupted. Laughing, George and Annabelle moved away from the crowd and made a brief detour to his driver's room, where they exchanged a few endearments before the Mercedes driver had to go to the interviews. 

After saying goodbye in the paddock, Annabelle looked around for her friends but didn't see anyone. When she turned back around and was about to go back into the garage, a person she knew stood right in front of her.

(Conversation in German)

"Adam Berger."

She couldn't say anything more than his name, the shock was in her whole body. She hadn't seen the man for years, but his face was etched in her memory like no other.

"What a surprise. It was amazing to suddenly read in the spring that Nicole Kiefer was dating the famous George Russell."

"Why are you here?" Annabelle stuttered, her knees already beginning to shake, but no one around her seemed to notice.

"I could ask you that. After you disappeared, my life was ruined. I was suspended and I couldn't find any more record deals or studios that wanted to work with me. I tried to find you, but luckily the press did it for me."

The man laughed dirty and took a step closer to Annabelle, who immediately backed away.

"You ruined my life and suddenly you're famous and dating one of the most famous sportsmen and one of the best Formula 1 drivers?"

Annabelle's breathing became faster and faster and she backed away anxiously. Somehow, the two of them were suddenly standing next to the garage in an inconspicuous corner, so there was no one around to help her. 

The man grinned at her and stepped closer again, causing Annabelle's back to bump against the wall of the garage.

"Not quite fair, don't you think?"

He murmured these words to her, coming dangerously close, which meant she could already smell his aftershave, making her nauseous.

"Please go."

Annabelle spoke quietly and her voice trembled with every word, but the man in front of her had understood and just grinned. Shaking his head, he rested his hand on the outside wall of the garage next to her head. 

"This Russell has no idea what you're really like, he doesn't know you. I know you and I know for a fact that you only want his fame. I'll show him what a sneaky bitch you are."

As he spoke, he licked his lips dirty and his free hand traveled to Annabelle's hip. She immediately winced and a few tears ran down her cheeks. Her heart began to race faster and faster and she could feel her eyes slowly going black. 

Suddenly she felt a stranger's breath on her lips and a little later his lips were on hers. That was the moment when her knees finally gave way and her vision went completely black. His dirty grin on her lips and his hand on her naked waist were the last things she remembered before everything went completely black and blurred.

Stronger Together | George RussellOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant