07 - opening

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Satisfied, I took one last look in the mirror. I had curled my hair and applied subtle make-up, which went perfectly with my royal blue dress. Finally, I applied my lip gloss before leaving the bathroom and going over to George's room to put on my shoes. 

When I entered the room I saw my boyfriend in front of the mirror tying his tie, at least he was trying to.

"Let me do it."

I carefully stepped in front of him and his eyes immediately opened.

"Babe, you look stunning. I've never seen a woman more beautiful than you."

Even though his words blew my mind, I just smiled and went to work tying his tie. My grandfather taught me and I was allowed to tie the tie for him every Sunday before church. I particularly liked that George's tie was the exact same blue as my dress.

"Can you see clairvoyance or how did you know which color to choose?" I asked the man in front of me and had to smile.

"I may have checked to make sure we match. If that's kinda creepy, I'm sorry."

"It's cute," I said and examined my work with satisfaction before stepping away from him again.

But George quickly grabbed me by the waist and turned me around before looking me up and down. He paid me compliments again, which I was only too happy to return. However, it was about time and I quickly put on my high heels before we left the room. 

Downstairs, Alison and Steve were coming out of the kitchen where they had finished packing the food we wanted to bring. George's mother wore a beige dress and his father, like his son, wore a simple suit.

"Oh my god you two look perfect," Alison shouted as soon as she spotted us and pushed us out into the garden, where we were supposed to stand in front of an elder bush.

She quickly pulled out her cell phone and started taking pictures of us. George looked at me questioningly as he put his arm around my waist and I nodded at him in confirmation. We looked happily into the camera, behind which Alison grinned contentedly. 

Steve shouted from the house that we should hurry up and so we took our bags and jackets and went outside the house. Alison and Steve went to their car and George and I went to his Mercedes. 

The reason for the shared car was that George's cousins would be staying here for the next week while their parents were on their honeymoon. Since they might leave earlier and there was room for everyone, we drove to the wedding in two cars. 

During the hour-long drive, George talked about his brother, his wife and their children and I became more and more nervous the closer we got to the whole thing. Only now did I understand how nervous George was when he met my brother. 

Although there were still his parents in his life, who fortunately liked me very much, his siblings also always played a very important and important role, which is why I definitely wanted to leave a good impression. 

It was also my first wedding and I was really looking forward to it. It would be a free wedding and the weather was perfect for that today, the sun was shining from the sky and there was hardly a cloud in sight.


I grinned and looked at George and nodded. As he continued to focus on the road, I put my hand on his arm and gently stroked it, and he gave me a smile. A little later we reached the location where his parents' car was already parked and Steve was loading luggage. 

There was another man standing next to them who looked particularly well-dressed and I assumed it was Benjy, George's brother. My boyfriend parked the Mercedes next to the others and George quickly got out before coming to my side and opening the door for me.

Stronger Together | George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now