Chapter 5-The visit

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Back at the castle, Prince Eclipse and Orion found themselves exchanging glances across the dinner table. The events of the day had created a rift between them, and the tension was palpable. Despite their close relationship as cousins and their usually cordial interactions, an unspoken animosity had taken root.

As they sat around the grand dining table, the royal family engaged in light-hearted conversation, oblivious to the undercurrent of tension between the two princes. Each prince was lost in his own thoughts, their minds replaying the day's events.

Prince Eclipse found himself thinking about Luna, her fall, and the pain etched on her face. He felt a pang of guilt for not being more attentive. He also couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy that had washed over him when Orion had invited Luna for a walk.

On the other hand, Orion was wrestling with his own feelings. He had always admired Luna, but it was only today that he had realized the depth of his feelings for her. Seeing her in pain had stirred a protective instinct in him, and he found himself feeling frustrated with Prince Eclipse for not preventing Luna's fall.

As the dinner progressed, the princes continued to exchange glances, each lost in their own thoughts and feelings. The day had certainly taken an unexpected turn, and they both knew that things would never be the same again.Luna's ankle was still causing her a great deal of pain, and Rosella had taken it upon herself to care for her friend. She was by Luna's side, tending to her needs and ensuring she was as comfortable as possible.

Meanwhile, Orion had chosen to stay at the castle instead of returning to his own. He visited Luna frequently, bringing her flowers and books to keep her company. His concern for Luna was evident, and he was doing everything he could to ensure she was recovering well.

Prince Eclipse, too, made it a point to visit Luna. He would often bring her favorite fruits and spend time talking with her. His visits were less frequent than Orion's, but his concern for Luna was just as genuine.

Amidst all this, Aurora, the princess, couldn't help but notice the unusual behavior of her faince and it's cousin. She observed their frequent visits to Luna and the way they seemed to be constantly thinking about her. She had a feeling that something was amiss, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. As the days passed, her curiosity grew, and she decided to keep a closer eye on the situation.

One day, both Prince Eclipse and Orion happened to visit Luna at the same time. As they settled into the room, the atmosphere was tense. Luna, despite her discomfort, was aware of the undercurrent of rivalry between the two princes.

As they began to talk, the conversation took an unexpected turn. Prince Eclipse, in a tone that was uncharacteristically harsh, blamed Orion for Luna's accident. "It was your idea to go for a walk in the garden," he said, his voice echoing in the room. "If it weren't for that, Luna wouldn't have gotten hurt."

Orion, taken aback by the accusation, was quick to defend himself. "It's not my fault that Luna tripped," he retorted, his voice matching the intensity of Prince Eclipse's. "She could have tripped anywhere, at any time."

Their voices grew louder as they debated, the room filled with tension. Luna, caught in the middle, felt a mix of emotions. She was touched by their concern but also frustrated by their argument. She wished they could understand that it was nobody's fault, just an unfortunate accident.

While passing by Luna's room, Aurora heard the raised voices of the two princes. Concerned, she decided to step in. Pushing the door open, she entered the room just as the argument was reaching its peak.

"Oh, my husband," she addressed Eclipse, her tone filled with surprise and a hint of disappointment. "What are you doing here?"

Orion, seizing the moment, chimed in, "Yes, you have a wife, Eclipse."

Eclipse, taken aback by the sudden intervention, quickly defended himself. "We aren't married yet, Orion," he countered.

But Orion was relentless. "Still," he retorted, his gaze unwavering.

Aurora watched the exchange between the two princes, her expression a mix of concern and confusion. She glanced at Luna, who was looking equally bewildered. It was clear to Aurora that there was more to this situation than met the eye, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Aurora, feeling a surge of jealousy, turned to Eclipse. "Eclipse, we need to talk," she said, her voice firm. "Can we step out for a bit?"

Eclipse, however, seemed unwilling to leave. "I'd rather stay here, Aurora," he replied, his gaze fixed on Luna.

Aurora was taken aback by Eclipse's refusal. She felt a mix of emotions - confusion, hurt, and a growing sense of anger. She managed to keep her composure as she nodded and left the room. But as soon as she was out of sight, her smile faded and her gorgeous face contorted into an expression of fury.

She knew something was amiss, and she was determined to confront Eclipse about it. But for now, she needed to collect her thoughts and regain her composure. Aurora was known for her grace and poise, and she wasn't about to let this situation get the best of her.

As Aurora left the room, Luna turned to Eclipse, her expression filled with curiosity. "Why did you refuse to go with Aurora?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Eclipse glanced at Luna, his expression unreadable. "It didn't seem urgent," he responded, his voice steady. "Besides, I wanted to stay here with you."

His words hung in the air, causing a ripple of surprise to pass through the room. Luna looked at Eclipse, taken aback by his admission. She was aware of the tension between the two princes, but she hadn't realized the extent of their feelings towards her. As she processed Eclipse's words, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - surprise, confusion, and a hint of apprehension about what this meant for her future.

Orion, who had been quietly observing the exchange between Luna and Eclipse, decided to intervene. He had brought a cake for Luna and saw this as the perfect moment to distract them. "Luna," he began, his tone light, "I brought you a cake. Would you like to try some?"

Before Luna could respond, Eclipse chimed in, "Luna, I brought cupcakes for you. Why don't you try one of these first?"

And just like that, they were off again, their voices rising as they debated over whose dessert Luna should try first. Luna watched them, a hint of amusement playing on her lips. Despite the tension and the uncertainty of the situation, she couldn't help but find humor in their rivalry. After all, it wasn't every day that two princes argued over cake and cupcakes.

As the debate between Orion and Eclipse escalated, Luna found herself growing increasingly exhausted. The noise, the tension, and her own swirling thoughts were beginning to take a toll on her. She was caught in a whirlwind of emotions, and all she wanted was some peace and quiet.

With a sigh, Luna looked at the two princes, their voices fading into a distant buzz. She felt a wave of confusion wash over her. How had a simple day turned into such a complicated situation? She found herself longing for the simplicity of her earlier days, before the princes had developed feelings for her and her life had become so entangled with theirs.

Feeling overwhelmed, Luna excused herself, retreating to the quiet of her own room. She needed some time alone to process everything that had happened and figure out what she was going to do next.

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