Chapter 4-Orion

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The morning unfolded with Luna, the royal tailor, preparing for her duties. The daunting task of the day was to measure Prince Eclipse for his new royal attire. Luna's heart pounded in her chest with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Her feelings for Prince Eclipse were growing stronger each day, making her professional responsibilities increasingly challenging.

As she entered the prince's chambers, the sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the prince's figure. Luna took a deep breath, steadying her trembling hands. "Your Highness, may I begin?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Prince Eclipse gave a curt nod, his eyes meeting hers briefly before she started her task.

As Luna moved around Prince Eclipse, taking his measurements, she felt an intense awareness of his presence. The close proximity, the brief exchanges, every moment was a reminder of her hidden feelings for him. Luna focused on her task, but her heart was in a frenzy, each beat echoing her unspoken affection for the prince.

Just as Luna was regaining her composure, the door to the prince's chamber opened. In walked Orion, Prince Eclipse's closest friend and confidant. Orion's arrival was unexpected, and Luna felt her cheeks flush as he turned his attention towards her.

Orion was known for his sharp wit and keen observation skills. He noticed Luna's blush and the subtle change in the room's atmosphere. His gaze shifted between Luna and Prince Eclipse, a knowing smile playing on his lips. Luna felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. She was unsure if Orion had noticed her feelings for Prince Eclipse, adding another layer of complexity to her situation.

As Luna continued her task, the tension in the room was palpable. Orion watched her with an intrigued expression, his gaze lingering on her flushed cheeks and the careful way she handled her task. He had always admired Luna's dedication and grace, and seeing her now, in this intimate setting with Prince Eclipse, stirred feelings he had been harboring for a while.

Once Luna had finished her task, she was about to excuse herself when Orion spoke up. "Luna," he began, his voice steady. "Would you join me for a walk in the gardens after your duties are finished?"

Luna was taken aback. She had always been cordial with Orion, but they had never spent time together outside of their duties. She looked at him, noticing the sincerity in his eyes. A part of her was flattered by his invitation, but another part was also confused. Her feelings for Prince Eclipse were strong, and the thought of going out with Orion felt like a betrayal.

However, Luna also knew that she couldn't avoid her feelings forever. She needed to sort out her emotions, and perhaps spending time with Orion would give her the clarity she needed. With a nod, she agreed to Orion's invitation, unknowingly setting the stage for a new chapter in their lives.

The moment Orion's invitation left his lips, Luna wasn't the only one taken aback. Prince Eclipse, who had been quietly observing the exchange, felt a pang of jealousy. He had always considered Luna as part of his royal staff, but Orion's invitation made him see her in a different light.

Prince Eclipse cleared his throat, drawing the attention of both Luna and Orion. "Orion," he began, his tone serious. "May I inquire as to the reason behind your sudden interest in Luna's company?"

Orion, taken aback by the prince's question, straightened up. "Why, Eclipse," he responded, matching the prince's formal tone. "I merely wish to know Luna better. She has been a part of our royal staff for quite some time, and yet, I realize I know so little about her."

Prince Eclipse frowned, not entirely satisfied with Orion's response. "And you believe a walk in the gardens is the best way to achieve this?" he asked, his tone bordering on sarcasm.

Orion met the prince's gaze, his expression calm. "Why not, Eclipse? A walk in the gardens is a pleasant way to spend time and converse. Unless you believe there is a more suitable way?"

The room was filled with tension as the prince and Orion debated, their words carefully chosen, their expressions unreadable. Luna, caught in the middle, could only watch as the two most important men in her life discussed her fate.

As the debate between Prince Eclipse and Orion continued, Luna felt a wave of discomfort wash over her. She was not a topic to be debated over, and she certainly didn't appreciate being talked about as if she wasn't there. Gathering her courage, Luna decided to interrupt their discussion.

"Gentlemen," she began, her voice firm. "I believe I have a say in this matter. I have finished my task, and I have agreed to accompany Orion for a walk in the garden."

Her words hung in the air, causing both Prince Eclipse and Orion to fall silent. They turned to look at her, surprise evident on their faces. Luna held their gazes, her expression determined.

Before Luna and Orion could leave, Prince Eclipse spoke up. "I believe I shall accompany you both," he declared, his tone leaving no room for argument. Orion looked at him, a hint of annoyance flashing in his eyes, but he said nothing.

And so, after a morning filled with unexpected events, Luna found herself walking towards the royal gardens, accompanied by both Prince Eclipse and Orion. The air was thick with tension, but Luna held her head high, ready to face whatever the day had in store for her.

Lost in her thoughts, Luna walked alongside Prince Eclipse and Orion, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She was overthinking every detail, every glance, every word. The situation was more complicated than she had ever imagined, and she was struggling to make sense of it all.

So engrossed was she in her thoughts that she didn't notice the uneven cobblestone on the path. With a startled cry, she tripped and fell, her shout echoing through the gardens. The pain that shot through her ankle was intense, and Luna realized with a sinking feeling that she had hurt herself badly.

Both Prince Eclipse and Orion rushed to her side, concern etched on their faces. "Luna!" they both exclaimed, reaching out to help her. But as they both tried to lift her, a new argument broke out.

"I'll carry her," Prince Eclipse declared, his tone authoritative.

"No, I will," Orion countered, his gaze never leaving Luna.

As the two princes argued over who would carry her, Luna couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and amusement. Despite the pain in her ankle, she couldn't help but marvel at the absurdity of the situation. Here she was, in the royal gardens, with a broken ankle and two princes arguing over her. It was a day she knew she would never forget.

Tears welled up in Luna's eyes as the pain intensified. "Oh, God, this is a bad day," she muttered, her voice choked with pain and frustration.

Just then, Rosella, another member of the royal staff, happened to pass by. She noticed Luna on the ground, her face pale with pain, and immediately rushed over. "Luna!" she exclaimed, kneeling beside her. "What happened?"

As Luna explained, Rosella shot a disapproving look at the princes. "Your Highnesses, I believe it would be best if you returned to your duties. I will take care of Luna."

Both Prince Eclipse and Orion seemed taken aback by Rosella's firm tone. They exchanged glances before turning back to Luna. "Rosella, please be careful with Luna," they both said, their voices filled with concern.

Rosella nodded, her expression serious. "Of course, Your Highnesses. Luna is in good hands." And with that, she helped Luna up, supporting her as they made their way to the castle's infirmary. Despite the pain, Luna couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. She knew she could trust Rosella, and she was grateful for her friend's timely intervention.

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