Chapter 3-Dawn's blush

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As the sun painted the sky with hues of dawn, Luna found herself wide awake. The echoes of the previous night's ball were still resonating in her mind. The laughter, the music, and most importantly, her encounters with Prince Eclipse. Every word exchanged, every glance shared was etched into her memory, making her heart flutter each time she replayed those moments.

On the other side of the castle, Prince Eclipse found himself in a similar state. The usually composed prince was restless, his mind filled with thoughts of Luna. The memory of her laughter, her shy smile, and the captivating spark in her sky-blue eyes under the chandelier's light were imprinted in his mind. The sense of familiarity that Luna evoked in him was both intriguing and unsettling.

The following day was filled with a series of awkward encounters between Luna and Prince Eclipse. Their paths crossed more often than usual in the castle corridors, leading to brief exchanges of glances followed by hasty diversions of their eyes. Their conversations, once filled with ease, were now punctuated with nervous laughter and prolonged silences, a stark contrast to their interactions at the ball.

One afternoon, as Luna was carrying a tray laden with freshly baked pastries to the dining hall, she accidentally collided with Prince Eclipse. The pastries launched into the air, raining down onto the prince's pristine uniform. Luna's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as she stammered an apology, "I...I'm so sorry, Your Highness."

However, Prince Eclipse's response was unexpected. A hearty laugh escaped his lips as he brushed off the crumbs from his uniform. "It's okay, Luna," he reassured her, his voice filled with amusement rather than annoyance. Picking up a fallen pastry, he took a bite, a playful smile gracing his face. "These are quite good," he added, causing Luna to blush even more.

This unexpected incident, as embarrassing as it was for Luna, served as an ice-breaker between them. Their shared laughter over the pastry fiasco sparked a sense of camaraderie, easing the tension that had built up since the ball. It was a moment that marked the beginning of their journey towards understanding and acknowledging their feelings for each other.

As the day faded into the evening, Luna found herself in the castle's lush gardens. The sweet scent of blooming flowers filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere. However, Luna's mind was far from serene. Her thoughts were filled with Prince Eclipse and the growing affection she felt for him.

Elsewhere in the castle, Prince Eclipse sat in his study, lost in his thoughts. Luna's image kept appearing in his mind - her sky-blue eyes, her shy smile, and the sound of her laughter. His heart ached with a longing he couldn't quite understand, a longing that was both thrilling and terrifying.

The next day, Luna and Prince Eclipse found themselves in the castle library. Luna, engrossed in a book, didn't notice Prince Eclipse's arrival until their eyes met. A spark ignited between them, and for a moment, everything else faded away. It felt like they were the only two people in the world.

As they spent more time together, Luna and Prince Eclipse found themselves drawn to each other. Their conversations became more comfortable, their laughter more genuine. They shared stories, dreams, and fears, their hearts growing closer with each passing day.

However, despite the growing affection between them, Luna kept her feelings to herself. She was unsure of how Prince Eclipse would react and feared that her confession might ruin their budding friendship. So, she chose to stay silent, her love for the prince becoming her sweet secret.

The next day,

The sun was high in the sky, casting long shadows across the castle grounds. Luna was busy with her duties, her mind occasionally drifting to Prince Eclipse. Their shared moments, the stolen glances, and the unspoken feelings were a sweet secret she cherished.

Meanwhile, Prince Eclipse found himself increasingly drawn to Luna. Her kindness, her humility, and the mysterious spark in her sky-blue eyes intrigued him. However, he kept his feelings to himself, unsure of what they meant and how Luna would react.

Enter Princess Aurora. Known for her beauty and her cunning mind, Aurora was a force to be reckoned with. She had noticed the growing closeness between Luna and Prince Eclipse and it didn't sit well with her.

One day, Aurora decided to stir things up. She approached Luna, her voice dripping with sweetness. "Luna, dear, I've noticed how close you've become with my Fiance,but remember your place. You're a maid, and he's a prince," she said, her words like a dagger to Luna's heart.

Aurora's words left Luna shaken. She began to doubt herself and her feelings for Prince Eclipse. She distanced herself from him, her heart heavy with uncertainty and fear.

After 1 week, Prince Eclipse noticed Luna's sudden change in behavior. He missed their conversations, their shared laughter, and the warmth of her smile. He was confused and hurt, unaware of Aurora's meddling.

The prince decide the date of the measuring, Aurora wanted to extend it but there's no reason.

The day was bright and full of promise, but Luna's heart was heavy. Princess Aurora's words had cast a shadow over her, causing her to distance herself from Prince Eclipse. Despite her feelings for him, she was mindful of her position. Luna, the royal tailor, had a crucial task ahead - she was to measure Prince Eclipse for his new royal attire.

With her heart pounding in her chest, Luna entered the prince's chambers. The room was bathed in sunlight, the golden rays illuminating Prince Eclipse's figure. As the royal tailor, Luna had been in his presence before, but today was different. Today, her feelings for him were making the task a difficult one.

"Your Highness," Luna began, her voice barely a whisper. "May I begin?" Prince Eclipse nodded, and Luna started her task. As she took his measurements, her hands trembled slightly. Every accidental brush of her fingers against his arm sent her heart racing.

Despite her best efforts to remain composed, Luna found herself blushing. She was acutely aware of Prince Eclipse's gaze, his polite words, and his close proximity. Each moment was a reminder of her feelings for him, feelings she was trying so hard to hide.

moonlight Sonata:A Royal Love UnveiledOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz