Meeting Them (MED)

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(7 years old)

Last night was my first night with my big brothers. So far it has gone nicely, but part of me is still hurt about the fact dad is now gone along with mom. Today is the first full day, and I sadly have to spend it at the hospital in the break room almost all day. It was the day Will and Jay both had to go to work, so my brothers decided it would be best that I went with Will for the first day.

I got out of bed and went to check the clock out in the kitchen on the microwave. It was five in the morning. Guess I didn't have as good a sleep as I thought I did. There was one last thing to do. I slowly and quietly went over to Will's bedroom. I walked in as the door was already slightly opened so he could hear me when I was asleep. I ran over to his bed and jumped up.

"Will, Will, Will, wake uuuuupppp." I yelled in his ear jumping up and down on the bed from my knees. I kept pushing his shoulder getting him up. Then I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me to the other side of the bed.

"I am awake now, thanks to you, you little monkey." He said laughing and tickling me. I squirmed and was shrieking at the feeling of Will tickling me.

"What's all that ruckus?" I heard a tired Jay yelling from across the hall in his room.

"Go get him." Will whispered at me.

I nodded with a wide grin and ran across the hall to Jays room that was beside mine. I went and jumped on his bed as he repeated the pass action done by Will of grabbing me and tickling me. I didn't stop laughing and shrieking until Jay let go of me and let me off his bed.

Let me remind you it was only five thirty right now, so I did not get dressed yet. I went outside into the kitchen from Jays room and saw Will had his scrubs on and was sipping his now made coffee. Jay came out with jeans on and shirtless with messy bed head. I laughed at the sight and he grinned. That was until he saw what time it was.

His grin instantly dropped once he saw it was five thirty in the morning. "Are you kidding me Bri?" I looked innocently at him and I had a little frown. What did I do wrong? "I don't have to be in the office for another two hours." He yawned.

"I'm sorry." I said sadly.

"It's fine baby girl, I might as well go for a run since I'm up so early." Jay said as headed back into his room to get changed. Jay is definitely NOT a morning person.

"Go get dressed." Will instructed me.

I nodded and ran into my room. Not knowing what to wear I scanned through my closet. Then I went through my dresser drawers. I threw clothes out of my hands left and right trying to get to the bottom of my drawers to find something. Almost all of my clothes had stains on them, or they didn't fit anymore. Dad hasn't taken me shopping for new clothes in almost two years, making me need new clothes.

"Ughhhhhh." I yelled frustrated.

"What's wrong sis?" Will asked, his eyes went wide as he saw my room. "Woah, what blew up in here?"

My eyes went to tears and a couple fell. "I can't find anything to wear. Either something doesn't fit, or it is stained. And dad hasn't gotten me new clothes in almost two years." I said trying to fight the urge of crying.

"Hey, it's ok. We can find something, then you and I can clean this up ok? Jay and I will take you shopping soon how does that sound?" Will told me kneeling down to my height.

"Ok." I said nodding with a frown.

Will cleaned the tears off of my cheeks, then he helped me pick something out. We took about thirty minutes to clean up, then Will left me and I got dressed. I went out of my now clean room and went to get breakfast. Will always makes the best, he made me waffles and gave me some orange juice.

After breakfast I went and brushed my teeth. Will followed me into the bathroom, and he helped do my hair. He put it into a ponytail then tied it with a hair tie and he put the hair brush away. After I spat Will grabbed me the hand towel and I wiped the toothpaste on the outside of my mouth away. I got off the stool, and got my coat on.

"Ready to go?" Will asked me.

"Yup!" I nodded excited.

We went and I jumped into Will's car and he buckled me up. He hopped into the drivers seat, and we were off. I was getting more nervous as we got there. But that wasn't because I was meeting new people. It was because the last time I was there, it wasn't a very good visit.

We got there and Will parked. Getting out of the car he let me out and helped me down. He grabbed my small hand, compared to his anyway, and led me inside the large building. He lead me into the break room at the hospital.

"Here Bri." Will said, as he opened his locker and passed me my iPad and put his things away. "Now, you do not the leave this room ok?" He told me sternly.

"Yes sir." I said saluting him.

"Ok, good girl." Will praised with a laugh, ruffling my hair. "People come in here consistently. And most of them are coming to relax, so don't bug them." I nodded and jumped onto the sofa and went onto my iPad as Will left the room to go work.

Throughout the day random doctors and nurses have came in to have their break and I have said hi to each one of them. They would sit down with me and I would turn off my iPad and give them my full attention, to get to know everyone.

The only doctor I knew before now was doctor Rhodes. And it was nice to get to know him and see him again, because we didn't meet on such great terms. All together I met, Connor Rhodes, April Sexton, Natalie Manning, Maggie Lockwood, Ethan Choi, Noah Sexton, Sarah Reese, and Daniel Charles.

There was one more our left until I got to go home with Will so I was bored again. That was until a woman came in. She had no scrubs on, but still had a name tag. Her name tag said, Sharon Goodwin, 'maybe she is Will's boss?' I thought.

"Hey, I wanted to meet the famous Audrey Halstead." The nice lady said to me.

"You can call me Bri." I said with a cheeky smile holding out my hand. She shook it and smiled at me.

"I'm Sharon Goodwin. It's nice to meet you Bri!" She introduced herself.

"It's nice to meet you too!" I exclaimed as she shook my hand.

An hour passed by of me sitting in the break room talking with Sharon. She is a very nice lady and I really like her. Will came in later to take me home. And that ladies and gentlemen, is how I met my eldest brothers co-workers at the hospital.

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