House Party

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     (15 years old)

     "C'mon Jay. It's a harmless little party, nothing is going to happen." I told him while we walked up the stairs to the bullpen in the district.

     "I told you no Bri." Jay said sternly as he sat at his desk.

     "Why not? Don't you not want me to have an actual life?" I asked my brother getting irritated.

     "Look, I know what happens at these things, and I don't want you getting hurt." Jay said trying to reason with me softly.

"Fine, I won't go." I said and turned around heading to the break room and closing the door. 'Oh I am totally going' I told myself. Plus I already told my best friend I would. I just will try not to drink, and I most definitely won't do drugs.

I sat in the break room for an hour until I started getting bored. So I decided to go bug my brother. I went out and went to Erin's desk and whispered her a question in his ear so no one else could hear what I was saying. She nodded her head and gave me a thumbs up, so I was now happy.

"I'm taking Grace out with me for a little bit, we will be back later." Erin announced as she grabbed her jacket and grabbed mine heading down the stairs.

"Um, where might     that be?" Jay asked letting one eye brow suspiciously.

"To the mall." I answered happily.

"You better not be doing what I think you're doing Audrey Ann." Jay told me with a pointed glare.

"No. Erin and I are going for food." I said going to give him a hug goodbye.

"Ok. Just be safe please." He told us as he stood up and hugged me back, giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

"Always am!" Erin said as we headed out of the bullpen, and out of the district.

"Thank you so much Erin. I really appreciate this!" I said in the car.

"It's ok Bri. Just please promise me you won't do anything stupid please? And if anything goes wrong you call me right away, got it?" Erin instructed as we drove.

"Yes ma'am." I exclaimed happily.

We got to the mall and imedialtly went to the dress shop. We shopped for about twenty minutes then tried stuff on and found the perfect dress. It was blue with sequence, and it wasn't too revealing, so even if Jay and Will saw it, they wouldn't throw a fit. After we got the dress I payed and we headed for some food. Of course I picked Chinese food, with it being my favourite course. after we ate and talked we went back to the district, and Hank told everyone they could go. There was only an hour left of shift, and it was a boring day since they had no case to solve.

As soon as I got home Will was already waiting. We got back and Jay and Will announced that they were going to Mollys for a couple hours, and that I am to stay here.

"Audrey, you better not leave this apartment. You understand me?" Jay said as he left and locked the door.

"Yep!" I yelled back turning on the TV only half listening to what my brother was saying.

As soon as they left I watched out the window to see if they were gone, and they were. So I took that as my queue and got ready. I was ready within an hour, and I had two hours left to party until Will and Jay got home. I was picked up by my friend and we arrived at the party. As soon as I got there, I had butterflies in my stomach and my anxiety was up the roof. Maybe I shouldn't have come? But it's not like I really had a choice.

I sat down beside Ella on a couch, and a guy who smelled greatly of booze walked up to me and looked at me in a very sexual way that I was most definitely not comfortable with. He came over sat down beside me and grabbed my ass. I squealed at the feel, but then he let go, making me relax more, but feeling extremely uncomfortable around him still.

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