Chapter Thirty

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        The next day was when all hell broke loose. Paisley had been in her room, when the door was opened and agents came in. She was shocked to say the least, considering she hadn't done anything wrong. Matter of fact, she and Katie had been lazy all day the day before.

"What the hell is this?!" Paisley exclaimed, as one of the agents grabbed her arm.

"Ms. Teller, you and your daughter have to come with us," The agent said,"You are being accused of working with Captain America, and going against the Accords."

"This is ridiculous!" She retorted, shaking her head.

"Mommy!" She heard, and she was quick to yank her arm from the agent.

"Get your hands off her, you son of a bitch." She spat, and the agent was quick to let go.

        Katie ran over to Paisley, and she wrapped her tiny arms around her leg. Paisley held her daughter to her side, as the group of agents brought them to where they were being forced. Paisley wouldn't allow Katie out of her sight the entire time.

         Paisley held Katie in her lap, as she was drove to wherever they were being brought. At first, everything seemed fine, until they pulled up at a dock. Paisley and Katie were then loaded on to a boat. When they arrived where they had to go, Paisley felt her heart leap into her throat. They were at a prison, and she had no idea why someone was doing this to her and her daughter.

"What are you doing here?" Tony asked, the moment he spotted the woman and child.

        Paisley ignored him, as she was forced to where they were going to hold her. They shoved an outfit into her hands and told her to change. They didn't have any the size for Katie, and she didn't know why they took Katie with.

"Hey, they're not supposed to be in here." Tony said, but the officers didn't listen.

          Tony went to complain to a higher up, as Paisley sat in a holding cell with her daughter. Next thing she knew though, an agent came into the holding cell and approached them.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. We were not supposed to bring the child. Our sincere apologies." The man stated, before he reached and grabbed Katie.

            Paisley yelled out, but two more agents ran their way to stop her. Paisley had to watch as Katie screamed and tried to get free. Tears streamed down the woman's face, as she heard her little girl sob and scream to get her mommy or daddy to save her.

           An hour later, Paisley was moved to a regular cell. When Sam seen her, he yelled out and slammed his hands against the glass. Clint seen the tears on her face, which made him feel extremely worried.

"Where's Katie?" He asked, his voice was as quiet as possible.

"They took her. I couldn't get to her." She replied, her voice breaking.

"Fuck!" Sam yelled, feeling tears building in his own eyes.

          Soon, Tony came into the area to chat with everyone. Seeing the tears on Paisley's face made him feel horrible. He knew they had gotten something wrong, but he couldn't get her out. He could get Katie out though, and he was bringing her straight to Laura and her kids. He knew Laura would keep Katie safe.

"Katie's okay." He said quietly,"I've got her somewhere safe."

"They took her from my arms, Tony. She screamed for her mommy and daddy to save her, but we couldn't. I had to watch her get ripped away." Paisley spat, and he leaned almost against her glass to make sure nobody knew what he said but her.

"She's with Laura." He mouthed, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Thank you." Paisley murmured, causing Tony to nod.

         Tony then went around to talk to Sam. The man was pissed at Tony for what had happened to Paisley and Katie. He wanted to jump through the glass and tear his head off, but obviously he couldn't. Tony was protected, which was something everyone knew just by their predicament.

           When Tony asked Sam for Steve and Bucky's location, Sam looked over at his girl. If she said yes, then he'd tell Tony where to go, if she didn't, he'd stay silent. The moment Paisley gave him a discreet nod, he told Tony exactly where to go to find Steve and Bucky. They didn't know what was going to happen, or how Tony was going to find the two super soldiers, but they hoped that everything turned out fine.

            Paisley laid down on the cot in her cell and closed her eyes. She felt like crying again, but all her tears had been used up. Her eyes hurt and her body felt heavy from all the emotions she had felt. Laying down though gave her time to try and calm herself down a little bit.

           She knew now that Katie was going to be okay with Laura. Laura was the safest person in the world to her, and she couldn't think of anyone else to care for Katie. She wondered when she and the others would eventually get out of the prison, but she had a feeling that never was going to be the answer. Their prison was in the middle of nowhere, just like they were told it would be. She just hoped she wouldn't get use to this place being her final forever home for however long forever would be...

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