Chapter Fifteen

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          For the first week, Katie was nervous about the new house. After the first week though, she really liked the new house. She really liked D.C. in general. She would sometimes even go out with Sam to get food. She wanted to go out when he went running, but Paisley thought she was too small. The woman didn't want Sam to feel slowed down because the little girl wanted to go with him.

         It took around a month for everything to get back on track. Katie got back into her schedule, and Paisley was able to get back to what she loved doing most — baking. Sam helped her advertise her work, and within a couple of weeks, she had orders for cakes for birthdays and other occasions. She almost believed she'd have to make a waiting list.

        Life was really working out for Paisley and Katie thanks to Sam, and the woman couldn't be more grateful. She loved Sam for everything he did for them, and there was nothing in the world that would make her change her mind. He was a man she would always be thankful for.

        Paisley believed that everything was going to look up after moving to D.C., since she hadn't heard from any of her family. There weren't any threatening calls or texts. She didn't have anyone random showing up at her door trying to make her go home. She suspected that maybe they had given up on her, and a small piece of her was hurt, but a bigger piece was happy.

        For all she knew though, Juice could've been hiding her location from them. He was known for being able to find people when they didn't want to be found. She knew he could find her at anytime, but she just hoped that he didn't, or that maybe he'd refuse to if he was asked.

        Anyhow, her relief from her family didn't last long. A month had passed, and she thought she was finally out of the water, but she was wrong. For two days her phone rang with Jax's number and name showing on her phone. She still tried to ignore it for a while, but she finally grew tired of the noise and constant interuppotions of the phone. One would think she'd throw the phone in a river or ocean, but not Paisley. She kept her phone so anyone could reach her if there was a major issue.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded bitchy.

"Pais," Jax's voice rang through, and she rolled her eyes,"I was beginning to think you weren't going to answer."

"I wasn't, but I got tired of hearing the phone ring." She grumbled, and he chuckled.

"Look, I know you hate us right now," He sighed,"but I wanted to say I was sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like that. I should've defended you when Mom and Clay were on your ass. I hope you can forgive me."

"I don't know, Jax," She bit her lip,"You were really rude to me and to Sam."

"I know," He went silent for a moment,"I was fucked up. I know you might never forgive me, but for the sake of Abel, please pick up once in a while. I think he'd like to hear from you guys."

"I promise." She murmured, knowing that Jax was right, she couldn't leave her nephew like that.

"Thank you," He answered,"I love you, Pais. I'm sorry."

"I love you." She barely whispered, before she hung up the phone.

         Paisley wondered if she should've even answered his call. She knew she needed to answer, she felt it, but it still hurt to talk to him. She just hoped that talking to him wouldn't hurt her in the long run. She hoped that his call wasn't the first step in making her feel like shit until she came back to Charming. She didn't want to feel like that. She refused to put Katie or Sam in that type of situation.

"I talked to Jax." Paisley admitted, almost as soon as Sam had walked into their place after his run.

"I thought you said you weren't going to talk to any of them ever again." He commented, causing her to sigh.

"I wasn't going to," She looked away,"but Jax is my brother, y'know? I just felt like I couldn't ignore him forever. Besides, if I did, something could've been wrong with Abel, and I'd hate myself if I ignored Jax during that."

"I get it. I just don't want you being hurt by any of them again." He said, and she smiled at him.

"I know, and I thank you for that," She shrugged,"but I don't plan on answering anyone else's calls. Matter of fact, if Jax starts his shit again, I won't answer him anymore either." She replied, causing Sam to nod.

"Wanna go out for lunch?" Sam asked, making a grin appear on her face.

"You know I do," She answered,"Saves me from cooking."

"Let me shower, and we'll leave." He commented, and she nodded.

        While Sam showered, Paisley helped Katie get into some clothes and a pair of shoes. Paisley was about half dressed when Sam got out of the shower, and he whistled when he seen her in a pair of skinny jeans and a lace bra. She rolled her eyes jokingly, as her cheeks tinted pink.

"I didn't know offering to bring you out for dinner would get me a show." He joked, and she scoffed.

"Get out," She crossed her arms,"Go make sure Katie isn't getting dirty."

       Sam simply laughed as he left the room. He loved joking around with her. To be honest, he just loved having someone to come home to. When Riley had died, he thought he was going to feel empty forever, but Paisley and Katie changed that. Paisley and Katie were his saving grace, and he was happy to have them. He would show them off to the world forever, every time he was given the chance...

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