Chapter Eight

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      A few days after Abel's birth, Gemma tried to reach out to Paisley about what had happened at the hospital. Paisley refused to talk to her about it, so Gemma got pissed and started cursing Paisley like she normally did. The girl wasn't having it though, she simply ended the call and turned off her phone. She did not have time for that type of negativity.

       Paisley's mood wasn't completely ruined though, because later that same day, Sam came by to check on them. Paisley and Katie were finally able to give him the cake they had been working on together. He was very happy with the cake, and asked to share it with them while he was over.

         The very next day, Sam came over again. He and Katie played with her dolls for a while, but after lunch Katie had to take a nap. While she was taking a nap, Paisley started working on a cake that someone had ordered for an anniversary. Sam watched her, and helped her when he was given the chance to do so.

"So, I was wondering," Sam looked at her with a nervous smile,"How would you feel about going on a date with me?" He asked, and Paisley's heart skipped a beat.

"You really wanna go on a date with me?" Paisley questioned,"A single mom with an asshole family?"

"Yeah," He answered,"if you'd let me."

"I'd love to," She replied,"but to keep us both from dealing with my family, let's try finding something outside of Charming."

         She knew someone from the club outside of Charming could spot her and Sam, but she was less likely to get caught outside of Charming. She just hoped that nobody seen them, because she didn't feel like fighting with her family again. She simply wanted to try and forget most of the problems.

         Three days later, Paisley had Donna come over to watch Katie so she could go on a date with Sam. Donna was excited for Paisley, but she was a little worried, too. She knew that if any of the guys caught her with Sam they'd most likely freak out. Things would not go well, and Donna could only hope for the best for Paisley.

        Sam brought Paisley to a town nearby Charming. He wanted to keep her as close to Charming as possible, just in case Katie needed her at any time during their date. He was very considerate when it came to Katie, and Paisley adored that about him.

"Can I be honest with you, Paisley?" Sam asked,"Can I tell you why I moved to Charming?"

"Yeah, I promise I won't criticize." She replied, and he nodded with a sigh.

"I was in the air force," He began, feeling his stomach churn at the memory,"I had a best friend, his name was Riley. He was a pararescueman that worked with me on the fifty eighth rescue squadron," He sighed shakily,"We were on a mission, a standard PJ rescue op. We were flying a night mission, nothing we hadn't done a thousand times before. That was until an RPG knocked him out of the sky...there was nothing I could do. It was like I was in the sky to watch," Paisley reached over and squeezed his hand,"I moved to Charming to get away from everything after he passed. I couldn't handle being anywhere near anyone or anything that reminded me of Riley. I had to be somewhere new that would hopefully help me grieve and go back to what I knew best." He said, and Paisley felt horrible for him.

"I'm so sorry, Sam," Paisley replied,"I really wish you didn't have to go through that."

"Thank you for not saying that you knew how I felt," He commented,"I hate when people say that, especially when they don't know at all how I felt or how I feel."

"I don't know exactly how you feel, so I won't say I do," She shook her head,"but I did lose someone close to me when I was little. I use to have a brother, his name was Thomas but we called him Tommy. He died of the heart defect that Abel was born with. Jax and I seemed to be fine, but Tommy wasn't. He passed when he was young. He was the one I was closest with when I was younger, but when he passed, I only really had Jax."

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost my sister. She's the only one I got left." He replied, and Paisley could see the sadness in his eyes at the simple thought of losing his sister like she had lost her brother.

         After another hour or so, Paisley and Sam decided to head back to Charming. They talked about whatever came to mind the entire ride home. It was like they had known each other forever, because not once was there an awkward silence or anything similar.

"I'll come by in the morning to hang out with you and Katie." Sam commented, causing Paisley to smile.

"See you in the morning, Sam." She replied, as she leaned forward and left a kiss on his cheek.

        Paisley couldn't keep the smile off her face as she headed to her house. When she walked inside, Donna practically tackled her for details about the date. Donna really didn't get date nights with Opie, so she wanted to live vicariously through Paisley.

        For over an hour, the two girls sat at the kitchen table talking about Paisley's date. Donna was so happy for Paisley. She had been worried for a while that the girl wouldn't find anyone that would want to date her because of her family, but she finally found someone. Donna just hoped that Paisley's brother didn't ruin it for her. If he did, she'd rip him and Opie a new one, and they really didn't want that to happen...

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