"My king, my prince," He greets, slyly as ever. He pulls the chain in his hand and a human girl is pulled toward. She smiles and curtsies. My face remains one of boredom even as disgust flares. Fenrir snarls. I question, "What is this?"

"A gift to you, my prince."

Fucking bastard. I stare, mouth quirks up with slight false amusement. I say, "What would I ever need with a human girl?"

I make sure the disgust at the word human is strong. He smiles and whispers, now that everyone has stopped and is staring at us, "if you do not want her, I can kill her."

Lucifer goes to stand but I put my hand out and stand myself. I strut down the stairs towards him. He swallows hard. I stare at her and walk a small half circle around her. She hasn't stopped smiling at me, her lust for me pouring off in waves. I say, "What is your name?"

"Samantha," she answers, nervously.

I grab my knife, I swing it close to Sin's throat and say, "Well Samantha, Sin here, is going to unchain you and I'm going to have a servant to lead you to my guest room where you will shower and head to bed."

Sin swallows hard. My blade cuts into flesh as his Adam's apple moves. I command, letting my power curl around him tightly, suffocatingly, reminding him he has no power here, "Release her."

He does and a servant rushes up and grabs her hands.

I shout as I sheath my knife, "Any other gifts that involve me shall be destroyed immediately. The guest of honor here is Asura, respect that."

Asura's pov

I stare at him as his words, his power, echoes in the room. I've never seen this side of him. The prince of darkness truly and all I can think about is the short prophecy about me. The Prince of Darkness will belong to only one and she will be the Princess of Heaven.

He's clad in a light sort of fighting armor that's barely armor. It has shoulder plates that have tendrils of bright blue wisped within the deep blue. There is a thin movable plate covering his chest. I can see it's made of Hell's metal, but the rest of his torso is left bare and I know that this is just a part of the show as the Devil of Lust. His strong chest fading into a hard, lean abdomen is left uncovered. His cross tattoo shows as well as mating bonds, except Lucifer's is missing. I don't question it knowing two mates is hard to explain. I think the armor is bland though until he spins and I see the armor allows for his demonic wings. Not all devils have them Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Asmodeus are the only ones. The wings can disappear as well, almost as if they sink into his back. The armor not only allows for his wings but covers them. It lines the main arch of his wing. The bone protected from what I'm sure would be a near deadly blow if it connected. He flares his wings out wide in a display of power and I see the armor covers each bone that goes along his black wing. It's in that bright blue and it turns his wings into a beautiful sight.

He meets my gaze and I feel a pulse of love again. I sigh and look away. He explained himself, but for some reason it still hurts. The pain in my chest hasn't left and he knows it. He seems to know Lucifer and I better than we know ourselves.

I turn to the crowd as people give me slight bows, the only indication that I have any rank. I simply nod. I was placed as Asmodeus ranks here, God's second. No longer. I feel the darkness in my heart and power at my fingertips. I've never wanted to yield to now at this party all these people the scent of their sin washing over me. I can practically taste it. I reach my hand towards someone and Asmodeus grabs my hand as his wings flare out a little in a seemingly possessive way. He purrs, "Now you don't want to do that."

I stare at him. My lack of knowledge clearly being my undoing in this instance. He registers my confusion quickly, like I said never missing anything. He leans into my ear, voice barely reaching me, "A sin used on a demon creates a blessing. Our lovely friend, Sin, was created this way."

Burning in Heaven (Darkness Trilogy Prequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon