The Arbiter

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The Goddess of Fate and Destiny entered the Luminous Hall in a blaze of fury, the fairy maids passing by recoiled in fear and instantly made way for The Arbiter, who was at this point wasn't stopping her descend to the Fate Chamber. She walked hastily with purpose, never minding her surroundings nor the uneasy maids. Only thing in her focus was getting to the Star Mirror.

She did not awake to this day to have caught wind of an incident unbeknownst to her knowledge. If any of the Immortals figured out of her oblivious streak, she's aware of the predicted punishments thrown her way.

The fairy maids were startled of the goddess' sudden change in mood, dumbfounded on how this came to be. Among them started whispering their utter confusion, for all they knew the Arbiter had left to the Heavenly Palace by a summon. Her unannounced return surprised them, and some instantly changed the course of their tasks toward their master.

The highest ranked fairy maid, Tao Min had hastily followed right behind the goddess waiting for instructions but was only meet with silence as they made a trip to the Fate Chamber.

Tao Min cannot go through pass the entrance for only the Arbiter could enter it. She remained by the door frame as she patiently waited unto the side. She had a look of pure dread but kept it hidden with a nonchalant expression. Her mind could only wander what may have happened for the goddess to be this way.

The doors of the Fate Chamber open, prompting The Arbiter to enter through. Wasting no time, Shen Lian slowly walks in. 

Shen Lian now in recent years has been majorly called The Arbiter. Only a handful could call her by birth. She was one of the High Immortals granted to be a Goddess, a status paid with the pressure of weaving and securing fates of both mortals and immortals. For 6,000 years, never once had Shen Lian stuttered in her prediction, never uttered anything false and never doubted destiny.

She was chosen to safeguard the fates of all immortals with her life but to this day, she had foreseen a mistake. One regarding the Imperial Divine Clan. Specifically, Princess Feng Shu. It was all sudden, right she was to head off to the Heavenly Palace to report about said Princess' mortal trial, it took an unexpected turn of events.

Unable to comprehend how it came to this, she had to consult the Star Mirror for the truth. For what she knew, the Princess was supposed to be living a happy life as a mortal in the Mortal Realm. What she wasn't prepared for, was to see glimpses of the Princess falling to her death from a brightly lit, broken bridge. What's worse was the Princess was slowly dying with her divine essence fading.

Whatever that was shown to her wasn't good, so much that the entire imperial family had placed the Princess' protection in her hands. The revelation that the Princess was still Immortal in the world of mortals indicated that something was amiss, and she had no clue of the matter until now.

The Arbiter gazes into the celestial artifact created by the Primordial Lord, Donghua, a Qilin. The base and magic of the divine object was made from one of his horns. He named it, Star Mirror which was later presented to the Arbiter as compensation for the major loss of the Flora Tribe thousand years prior. 

It is said that the mirror could show the past, present and possible futures. With a powerful wielder, it could become a powerful tool in warfare and because of this, only a wisest and unbiased being could possess it.


After the long conversation with Ze Yue, I decided to head out from the comfort of my room in the Abyssal Palace. The Demon Realm is honestly beautiful if you look past the lack in color. It was no Divine Realm, there was no sun nor immense light. There were stars that light the vast expanse of void and darkness. These stars gave life to the dull environment, it echoes through the dense mountains and deep rivers.

The Demon Realm was a never-ending maze of obstacles, you would never find the end nor remember there was a beginning. Unlike the other realms, this place had its own uniqueness, sheer amount of energy flow freely, its movement is so chaotic anyone could be tempted to absorb all of it, yet the Demons are somewhat decent. They behave like normal Immortals and go about their way of living in such barren landscape.

The Abyssal Palace was central to the unity of all Demons, without it, the realm would be in utter pandemonium. 

I made my way to the courtyard, taking my time in appreciating the scenery. Demon maids come and go, some respectfully bow while others avoid me like a plague, but I didn't mind it. Spotting a marbled gazebo, I carried my feet over to it. It was a beautiful structure, expresses the massive wealth the Demon King had. 

King Ling Dao had become the ruler of demons when my grandfather Huang Chen declared war against the Demon Realm. It brought endless chaos across the three realms. Thousands of lives perish in the conflict all because of pride and constant threats. I was fortunate to have been born during a cease fire between the two warring realms. I grew up in a peaceful environment, but I am scared of the next time another war might happen. 

While I was deep in thought, out of the blue a trickle of light appears suddenly, and a very familiar face greets me as the light subsides. It felt like years since I had seen the goddess of fate, ever since I began the mortal trial. She was my guardian throughout my hardships that I face, surely her presence might bring me any news of leaving this realm.

"Arbiter," I say with surprise that the Goddess was here in the Demon Realm. Her presence snapped me out of my shock state as I realize demons might see her as an unwelcomed visitor and quickly looked around in case someone from the abyssal court is nearby, "What are you doing here? ".

"Princess, don't be alarmed. I have hidden my essence, none of the demons can sense me." The Arbiter replies, reassuring of our safety. Though she had said that I am still on guard if anyone comes around. To ensure no one finding out something amiss, I casted a strong illusion spell of me seating down and minding my own business.

I looked back at the goddess, "How come you're here? Did his Majesty sent you to get me? "

She mid bows before responding, "No one knows of your recent incident Princess but myself " I was going to interrupt her, but she continued immediately "Rest assured I haven't yet reported it to his Majesty nor your parents... but I wanted to know exact details from yourself."

I scoff lightly, the feeling of pettiness overcome my thoughts "What more there is? I believe you have seen what I have gone through."

"Princess," she said slightly serious "Those of what you said I am aware. What I am asking is how come you were still Immortal once you stepped through the Platform of Heaven and Earth."

I gaze deep to my own thoughts, yes, how did I still have my divine essence when I came to the mortal world? it would have been impossible. If I was actually Immortal, anyone from Asgard would have recognize that but none did.

A conclusion came to my mind that was upsetting to think of, "My memories... and powers... could have been suppressed." I whisper to myself but was loud enough for the Goddess to turn her attention to me.

The Arbiter looks at me in disbelief. "Princess, I want to disagree but thinking about it now. Could be possible, we might need to investigate on this further then."

I nod at her while still in my thoughts, feeling troubled as something like this has come to light. I have never heard of an Immortal losing their power too easily, but concealment can be possible. Remembering the gatekeeper from Asgard, a being who knows all and senses all, even he couldn't distinguish that I was not human. This thought brought shivers to my spine, who wants to harm me during my mortal trial when I'm this close to become a goddess?

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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