The Fall

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I was falling into what seems to be an eternal abyss. Stars and dark chaos crowd my path, but what path was it?

I am falling but I can't stop it, I feel my whole body in extreme pain. Searing slashes across my torso to my arms and face. Hot liquid spreads around my clothes.

Immense damage has caused me to let out an loud scream into the abyss and then the unthinkable happened.

I landed on ground yet I had to no clue where I was nor how I look. The pain was still there, I was very sore inside and out.

I wanted to die immediately just to take this pain away. Why did I survive only to suffer more?


I awakened from my deep, uneventful slumber. Perspiring by every second, my uneven breath indicate I had another recollection of bad memories that have become nightmares.

Attempting to calm myself, to forget what had happened in the terrible past life. I should have forgotten it by now.

Immortals frequently undergo mortal trials whether by choice or punishment and they returned unfazed with the experience. How could I not shrug off everything that happened?

I am so confused, he doesn't anymore have any part of my life. My purpose in the human world has come to an end. I should be happy its all finished before it would've become longer and I will more tormented that before.

Anna was pitiful, she was loved for sure but that love was taken for granted. Though she was at fault as well, she was bold to fall for a god. Human and deity relationships tend to end in ruin, less favorably for the human in general.

Such a pity indeed, falling in love with a god of mischief was disastrously stupid. He couldn't commit to giving his heart for a human and she easily fell from his grace.

But he couldn't get rid of her or it might tarnish his reputation as a noble infidel prince, instead he kept her as a prisoner. Left to be bullied by a sorceress, who had a deep infatuation for the god.

Arguably, the human was dumb to even stay with infidel gods in there golden palace, I do wonder how much blood was spilled to create a structure with such a scale.

"Lady Shu, you have awaken." A maid, presented to me a few days ago, called out from the door frame of my guest room

She was a demon maid and like every other one, they mostly cover their faces with dark blue cloth. Though petite and small, she has a calm demeanor for a lower demon.

Approaching my bedside, she moves the curtain drape to the side, trying to assess my discomfort.

I rub the side of my forehead before responding, "I was having trouble sleeping" looking to see any signs of daylight, uncertain if this realm had one.

The demon maid slightly nodded before filling a cup with unknown liquid and handing it to me. I look at her then to the cup with caution. She saw my reaction and reassured me, "This is warm Elderwood tea, your grace. The Demon Queen told me to serve it to you, she knows that you have been restless."

Staring at the cup before gently taking it from her hand. I instantly sniffed it, the smell of Elderwood leaf hits my senses.

I was an honored guest here in the Demon realm yet I must always keep my guard up. Not all demons are welcoming, so much for those in high power. They would see me as a threat and could insight suspicion to the demon king and queen, who had been nothing but generous to me since I got here.

It wouldn't help it even my position as someone from a Divine clan could spare me of the hostility between fairies and demons. So much so with their demon prince growing close to someone like myself.

Talking a leap of faith, I carefully sip the tea. To my surprise, nothing has happened. I sipped some more, the demon maid was respectfully keeping mind of herself, making sure not to draw attention.

Noticing her silence I asked, "What is your name?" As I placed the cup to the side. "You have been given to me to serve but I hardly know you."

She lightly lower her head, lips flatten to a straight line. "Your grace, this servant is named Ze Yue."

I see she is conflicted to say something on her mind. "Ze Yue," I repeated to test the name with my own mouth. "I know you are withholding something to speak out. I give you permission to say what's on your mind, spare formalities."

She looked perplexed, surprised I would allow such a thing. She must've been a maid for a long time, serving in the abyssal palace for quite sometime.

"Your grace..." She stutters, still in shock "If I may be so bold, your night terrors..." She stops midway in her sentence, trying to find a proper way to say it. "I can lend my ears if it helps you feel better".

Breathing deep and exhale, I think about it for a while. I never usually express my discomfort to anyone, to speak of weakness is to be vulnerable and I was raised to show strength, not the opposite. Though Ze Yue was gentle in asking, I couldn't just back fire at her with my stubborn personality so much that she was only doing her job.

"It is not that I'm ungrateful, I have been very grateful for your service to me Ze Yue. It's just... you do not want to listen to the horrors I've had to face." I reply calmly to the demon maid.

She gave a understanding nod but insists anyway as she grabs a stool from a corner of the room, and sat beside my resting bed. "Your grace, if I may allowed to be honest" she starts speaking and pauses, looking at me for permission.

"You may," I reply gently

"Many demons like myself have experienced all kinds of circumstance be it good or bad. We are immortals too, we've seen, heard and dealt difficulty throughout decades, I am certain your troubles aren't something unheard of for me." She blatantly explains like its nothing.

I gave the demon maid an expectant gaze, awaiting if she'll reveal that it was all a joke, but none came. I used to have high assumptions about the Demon Realm being chaotic and causing trouble wherever but to my surprise not all demons are unruly, some are suffering in the background, and I have a gut feeling it's those with low status.

Giving Ze Yue a benefit of a doubt, I began telling her a story. She was interested in listening that she moved slightly closer my bedside. This was painful to retell what happened to me prior to mortal trial. As I narrate, a thousand emotions pass through my mind and heart.

A mortal who has no identity, no origins fell in love with an infidel god but was set aside for duty, for reputation. What a drama to behold. I internally side comment, 'such a pity to a now dead mortal indeed,'. I tell her how this mortal was pathetic but only wanted to be loved. How said mortal tried so hard but was abandoned in the end. How she (the mortal) had ceased her life by jumping off a dangerous bridge into the void.

When I finished, the demon maid bombarded with a question which would never be answered by me out loud but tempting enough. "Would you like to forget everything?".

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