Chapter 3

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Pakin and Phayu returned almost together into the house. "I met Dad downstairs," Phayu informed, laughing, as he handed over the fresh bread he had brought. "And Rain's fried dough?" Graf asked. "In the same packet Pa. I didn't forget," Phayu said, as he went to his room to wash his hands. "I will freshen up and come, by the time the kids come," Pakin said, dropping a quick kiss on Graf's lips. Graf nodded, smiling as Pakin rushed off, and not a moment too soon, as Pai came to the kitchen to help his Pa to set the table. "Where is Rain?" Graf asked. "Yu will bring him. He doesn't listen to me," Pai said, rolling his eyes. Graf nodded. Phayu was the only one in their family who had some semblance of control over Rain. He was the only one who could rein in Rain's shenanigans and channel them into something more creative.

Phayu knocked on Rain's door before coming to the dining table. "Rain?" Graf queried. "He will be here," Phayu said confidently. Pakin also came by that time, and just as they all sat down, Rain barged in. All their jaws dropped open as they took in the sight of what Rain was wearing. "What, by all that's holy, are you wearing Rain?" Graf asked, closing his eyes in surrender. No one could make him as happy as his son. No one could rile him up as much as his son. Rain was dressed in black ripped jeans, with so many holes that it was less cloth and more skin. It was combined with a black tank tee, with armholes that reached his waist. The t-shirt had a skull on it. There was black nail polish, black make-up and a tattoo sleeve on his left arm. Apart from that he had added chunky, chain like jewellery.

"This is going to be my look for the first day of school. I need to set the tone for the year Pa!" Rain said, pretending to sound belligerent. "A tone of what? What are you aiming to look like?" Pakin asked, unfruitfully trying to control his laughter. "A badass Dad!" Rain looked offended that no one understood his look. "All that you look like is very wannabe gothic vampire young man!" Graf said, also unsuccessful in hiding his laughter. Rain pouted and huffed. "Go change! And come and eat. You don't want to be late on the first day of school," Pakin said, sincerely attempting to be serious. Rain rolled his eyes and flounced off to his room to change, as Phayu looked on indulgently at the person to whom he belonged to from the time he was 8.

"P'Graf? Are you in here?" a voice called out. Graf poked his head out of the kitchen. "Ah Anong! How are you? And how are you here on a weekday?" Graf asked, greeting Aya's sister in-law. "Nothing Phi. Ananda and I were here to buy some supplies for the farm, and I had some pickled duck eggs and home grown watermelons for the kids. Where are they?" she asked looking around. "They are in school. It's the first day no?" Graf said. "Oh! Look at me, I completely forgot. Becoming old, that's the problem," she waved her hands around as she laughed. "Why? Isn't it the first day of school for Tae also?" Graf asked. "In our little village, where do we have time for school Phi? There is so much that needs to be done in the fields," Anong said, looking sheepish. Graf nodded. "Anyway Phi, how are the kids? And Rain? He must be so grown-up now," Anong said. "Yes. It is his first day of high school today," Graf said. "That's wonderful. Time sure flies," Anong said, as the two of them settled in for a nice chat about everything that was happening in both their lives.

"Paaaaa, we are home!!" Rain called out, as Phayu, Pai and he walked into their house, Pakin walking in right behind. "That's wonderful. Go wash your hands. Dinner is almost ready," Graf said. The children ran quickly to their rooms. "Did you get the stuff I asked you to?" Graf asked Pakin. "Yeah, fresh strawberries and water chestnuts. You continue with dinner, I will cut the watermelon that Anong brought," Pakin said. Graf nodded and finished plating the dishes, just as Phayu and Pai rushed in. "We will set the table Pa," Phayu said, as he and Pai immediately started taking out the cutlery. Graf nodded at the boys. As soon as they all sat down, Pai poured the drinks into glasses. Just as they were about to begin, Rain walked in. "I have something important to announce!" he said, dramatically posing. "What? What is it? Did you do well on a test on the first day of school?" Graf asked. "Huh! As if! It's even better! Today was the day!!" Rain said excitedly. "Day for what?" Pakin asked patiently. Phayu and Pai snickered. They all knew their Rain. he was the world's biggest drama king. "Today is the day Rain Anchali masturbated for the first time!" Rain exclaimed, flinging his arms outwards. Everyone choked on their own saliva as they stared shocked and confounded at him, with no idea what to say!

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