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After having another dramatic and Horrific day at work.

Sometimes I wished that I was a kid again that's life was even much simpler instead of working myself to the fucking bone from 9 to 5 as a receptionist in some boring old office.

I hopped into The Overground train crowed with horde of people of various ages, ethnics, genders and etc.

Strolling through the different carriages I had finally managed to grab a seat among the chaotic train bearing witness to muffled conversations inhabited by those around me as I silently listened to one of my favourite albums through my soundproof headphones.

Don't you just love a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

Getting lost in my thoughts I looked through the window and counted every tall expensive high top building I could see splattered around Central London.

By the time I got to the tenth building a sudden feeling of uneasiness entangled it's self into my core.

A shiver made it's way down my spine as I closed my eyes, utterly petrified.

Foolish offsprings

My head swooped around the carriage in a frantic manner as I pulled off my headphones and let them rest above my shoulders.

All of the people in the train has vanished as If a spell had been casted.

And it definitely wasn't by Harry Potter.

"What the fuck" I hastily cursed under my breath as if my mind was playing tricks on me.

A strange raven haired woman draped in a cloak stood below the carriage smirking a sinister smirk.

Standing onto my feet a burning rage took over me as my fists had a mind of their own when they clenched into upwards ball. "Who are you?"

I flipped my head around the carriage not realising how worked up as I was by the situation. My eyes became watery allowing hot tears to run below my cheeks.

Then before my eyes the eeric woman turned into a puff of dark smoke and laughed a threatening laugh.

"Your worst nightmare!" She hissed dashing her smoke form towards me. I threw my hands over my earlobes and ducked out of harm's way.

As a fearful banshee sort of shriek erupting from my lungs.

Shutting my eyes tight I sat on the ground placing my feet in front of my chest rolling back and forth completely startled.

"Is everything alright madam?" A voice that spoke with an American accent etched in concern knocked me out of my the strange trace.

I quickly reopened my eyes, dumbfounded and nodded at the kind man. "Yes, I'm fine thank you"

He offered his hand to help me up from the hard ground. I hesitated at first but chose to grab a gentle hold of his hand.

The passengers among us either stared, laughed or conversed in conversation with those closest to them.

"Thanks for helping me"

"No problem" The young man curved a warm smile across his lips which caused me to blush a little.

Once the announcer called out the next train station.

He had a disappointed expression written on his face.

A deep sigh drew out from my mouth. "So I'm guessing this is your stop?"

The man scratched the back of his dirty blonde locks and let an amused giggle uncontent it's self through his cold breath.

"And you would be correct" He watized to the automatic doors and did a crusty then waved me goodbye.

"I'll see you around" He winked at me struting out of the train placing his hands in the deep inside pockets of his navy blue coat.





We exchanged enthusiastic smiles as the train once again departed to the next stop not too far from Erica and I's flat.

Finally hopping off the train I decided to head over to the library in the centre of town before putting my feet up in front of the TV and going home for the night.

Luckily it was a few minutes before closing time so I took a quick peak through the fantasy section scanning my eyes up and down the usually stories.

Harry Potter, Narnia, The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, Game Of Thornes, Lord Of The Rings, Hansel And Gretel, Cinderella and Snow White.

You name it's there.

"It's closing Time, Jennifer" Manager of the library Terry emerged from the staff room folding his arms across his chest strutting his usual serious strut.

"I haven't found the right book yet" I pleased in an attempt to smooth the situation by using my winning charm.

"Ok" Terry grumbled fixing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I'll give you one more minute, Jen"

An toothy grin beamed across my lips as I  extended my fifth finger located on my left hand into an upwards thumbs up. Continuing my journey of searching through the tall bookshelves.

One book out of many finally caught my eye.

It was called The Beholders Of Bamberg.

The cover had a beautiful Middle Age Medieval castle that almost looked identical to Hogwarts, bulit on top of the greenest of hills overseeing a clear dark lake and a small village nearby a bridge.

Two knights are on their horses taking in the scenery from a far.

Without reading it's plot. I showed Terry the book making my way over to him in a gleeful demeanour.

Terry close examined the book buried in my palms. "I've never heard of that one before" The middle aged man scrunched his nose up above the air, dumbfounded.

"With the among of books we get in here each year it gets harder to keep counting"

Frimly holding a tight grip of the anonymous book in my hands. I strolled towards the till for it to be shamped and checked out

Terry blocked my way interrupting me to do so. "Take it Jennie" He urged me patting his hand on my back. "It's yours"

My brows frozed upwards in amazement. "Are you sure? Because I take it back if you...."

Terry shook his head completely adamant. "I see you come in here all the time love and I know much you love to read and that's why I'm giving you this book free of charge"

I kissed the top of his bald head and wrapped him into a warm embrace. "Thank you Terry, you're the best"

We soon pulled apart to say goodbye. "Don't mention it" He winked. "Have a good night Jennie"

Opening up my briefcase I carefully placed the book inside of it safe and sound.

Then I waved Terry goodbye and left through the library's doors. "Goodnight, Terry"

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