026: winning & loosing

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"only math left!" Kataoka smiled, making mina get out of her trance. She didn't calculate it yet, but it seemed that her and asano were pretty balanced right now. The results for math could change that, of course. She shook her head, though. As it wasn't the only reason math was so important.

The girl looked at the red haired boy next to her with a smile, as he only leaned back in his chair with arms crossed behind his head.
He didn't know why she stared at him so intensely, she was probably expecting him to score first place in math, as usual.
Karma didn't know why, but it bothered him. The slight feeling that he knew he didn't study as much as everyone else bothered him, that he didn't have a big chance of winning and she expected him to bothered him.
He rested this exam, and even when he didn't get behind why she was so invested in his academics, he now wished he had at least put some thought into it.

"Math is shared again. By gakushu asano," koro-sensei read through the paper, not really believing his eyes "by gakushu asano and mina Hayashi!"


The class cheered once again, turning towards the girl in the back to hype her up. Her eyes were widened as she kept her eyes on him, confused. The red head only kept his eyes closed as Rio came jumping towards mina for a hug, making her look away.

"Mina, you and asano-kun both have 100 points. The perfect score." Koro-sensei smiled kindly "Very well done."

The atmosphere was happy, and even when mina felt conflicted she smiled at all the 'congrats's and 'hell yeah!'s she received.

He didn't win?


He didn't win.

Karma leaned against the tree outside of the 3-E building. He had one hand in his pocket, and was crushing his results with the other. Seriously, he pressed his fists together so tight that it might start bleeding in a moment or two.

He had scored 10th place in Maths and 13th place in overall Rankings. Karma Akabane had never scored that bad, ever. But what bugged him the most about this whole freak show was that this exact, only time he scored like a looser in his 15 years of life, in this exact moment he had mina's eyes glued on him. Exactly as koro-sensei announced (implied, whatever) how useless and stupid he was, her eyes lost their glimmer and she stopped smiling to, instead, look at him confused.
It didn't help that asano out of all people shared the first place with her. As it turned out, not only in maths but overall as well. They had he exact same number of points.

Karma's eyes had that Familiar maniac rage in them, they were widened and expressionless on the outside. But the boy was boiling.

"Class A is really good," a sudden voice appeared behind him, nonchalantly. The yellow octopus continued talked from behind the tree "they took the places from one to six, Takebayashi-kun and kataoka-san being on the seventh place, and, obviously, mina-chan Sharing the first place with asano-kun."

"She was the best in our class, followed by the two others. I wonder how she might feel, karma-kun? She did great, did she not?" Koro-sensei continued his speech, making karma increasingly annoyed at him "that was to be expected. I mean, The class A studied a lot and worked hard. And she's from there, if I'm correct. Mina and asano-kun have the same work ethic, I bet they would do great studying together! 'The two best students in school' them falling In love would so be cute, wouldn't it be? So romantic, they'd crush everyone else together~"

"The exam was harder, but they did it together! The two best students in all of Japan if you think about it, Aww! A lazy and obnoxious person can't keep up with that, you know?" Koro-sensei slowly crept up karma's nerve, he knew how he could get under the boy's skin, and it was seemingly working.

"What do I care? They can be romantic all they want. So, what do you want from me, octopus?" Karma's voice was cold as he kept his face away from his teacher. He was really annoyed now.

"You thought you were super cool because you'd win easily.." Koro-sensei crept even closer, smiling mischievously while teasing "how embarrassing!"

With that karma's face heated instantly, the boy blushed furiously as he jumped slightly at the contact of his teacher. It was very out of character, of course. But koro-sensei knew his students like the back of his closet.
"Nakamura-san, isogai-kun, okuda-san, and ultimately mina-chan were the three people to get a victory for this class and destroy one of my tentacles. But you weren't useful in the last assassination nor in the bet against the big five! Did you understand that?" Koro-sensei started massaging the boy's head, poking him here and there as he jumped around in a teasing and mocking manner "One who doesn't help the group when it needs it and just shit-talks all day looses presence in this classroom! You didn't sharpen your knife. And so you aren't a killer like the rest, but you're just an entitled brat."

Karma finally snapped, throwing his teacher's arm away as he walked off angrily.

Koro-sensei laughed sneakily as karasuma approached him.
"Don't you think that was a little harsh?"

"Don't worry, he will recover soon." He looked after his student "and he will come back stronger than ever."

>>> author's note
Tomorrow's my birthday, so three chapters as a gift 'from me to you' :) (get it because of the shoujo manga ykyk)

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