"They are a rare kind." Nikos says as Adrian reminds us to check our saddle bags. "The Lycans themselves call them spirit warriors, people with the ability to shift into beast, but can also bond with Dragon's, and command them. For the past few hundred years, nobody has seen one. Even though their King, Alpha Ryak allows Palin Riders to test their kin with the Almere stone. It's common knowledge that the Lycans have bands of secrets kept from the council. My father holds a seat on the council to represent Riders, the Lycans representative is one of the Alpha's sons, Killian. He works well with us, more civilised compared to his father and brothers, or even his whole clan."

"They sound wonderful."

He chuckles, "Just hope to never get on their bad side, they have short tempers."

"Well, now we know where Sky truly belongs." I tease, enough for Nikos to let out a bellow of laughter. Sky shoots us both a warning look, his eyes narrowing into slits, already no doubt, having heard my words.

"Remember the formation, I want Nikos at the back with Maddox, Sky behind me at the front and Kessa in the middle." Adrian orders as he wraps his hands tightly around the two hand holsters at the steed of his saddle. Kessa huffs her perseverance, with Maddox looking down at her with a sneaky grin. It was effort enough to usually look up at Maddox as a whole, but with him on top of Flick... now that was a long way up.

"Once we reach the lake, we will show Sith some attack formations when riding our flames," He says before turning to speak directly at me. "Your training will not fully begin until after the surge with your flame, we can simply show you how to ride, I expect you to study this." I blink, nodding in understanding. "Let's get to it then." He grunts leaning forward in his saddle as Cobalt leans forward and sprints across the plane before careening into the sky.

Astra follows with a swift leap into the air beside us. Tulsa was halfway into the clouds when I looked to her, beating Astra by seconds with her tiny frame. But she waited for Astra to head in front so she could join the formation. Flick had to take a few mighty steps before his large wingspan could support his mighty body into take off. I tried my best not to gape at the sheer capacity of him, like a mountain himself levelling the sky above us. I readied my hands around Nikos' waist, leaning forward with him as Roan took off, the drop of my stomach and the rush of the wind was a welcome feeling.

Soon enough the world below us was a gilded vision, all that mattered was now, us present in the sky, through the clouds, on top of these amazing animals. I pray tell the Goddess that deigned to listen, that this was no dream. As all nightmares begun, painting a tranquil serenity, only to end with it snatching that serenity away from me.

"This is real Sith." I was not aware that Nikos had been watching me. Always catching me off guard it seemed. And as I peered back at him, into those green hues of eyes, I knew he spoke the truth. His reflection; a mirror. Another half, staring back.

I could only gleam in wonder as up ahead, Cobalt banked a sharp right, the others following suit. Roan leaned to the wind, harpooning across a tidal wave of clouds that appeared from nothing. Flick and Tulsa were dancing over them, the wind jostling to their forms, embedded to their sides as a silent guide. Astra struck out like the fire she possessed, a beacon in a ravine of foreign affinities. The most striking out of us all. Roan and Cobalt gathered strong on either end, heavy rocks floating through the sky, even still the wind called to them, the birds sailed a close distance to us. Like calls to like. Within them, the tiny creatures knew what these magnificent beasts represented, the affinity that waned to them.

"How far to the lake?" I breathed across a cloud, my hand darting to touch it, to prove a childlike theory. They were not fluffy, but weightless, a different form of air.

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