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"We must seek those that keep us on our toes, for if we do not, that feeling will become a plant that never grows."

Alexander stared at the screen a moment longer, infatuated with the thoughts that flowed freely from Juliette's mind only to be printed as captions on her photos.

He'd hardly spoken to her and yet, her mind was so alluring to him. It baffled him that she hardly shared it with anyone, save for captions and statuses on social media of course.

Such a beautiful mind kept tragically concealed to social media and hardly ever shared with another soul. The world was a strange place sometimes and he guessed that, perhaps, the most beautiful things were meant to be hidden in order to protect all that will inevitably waste away.

Text from Steven: 1704 Smithson Ave. Rm. 301

Alex was confused with the random text he'd just received and thought rather carefully about what it could have meant.

Steven: If this is your attempt on getting with me, it's a bit strange.

He'd actually laughed at his own little joke, he hoped that Chrissy wouldn't kick his ass for messing with her husband.

Text from Steven: Ha-ha. Twat. No, it's where Juliette is, for now at least. She wanted to help you out a bit so that you weren't completely lost. You're welcome by the way.

He didn't believe what he'd just read. She actually gave him a clue?

Steven: How does she know I'm looking for her?

His heart was racing and, for some reason, his palms were sweaty. What was this woman doing to him?

Text from Steven: No idea mate, she's just sent me a text that said 'Give this to Alex' with that address.

Alex didn't respond, his brain had finally caught on and flipped a switch inside him; it was time to go.


Eighteen hours. It had taken him eighteen hours to get there. It hadn't even been a whole day and she was already gone.

Alex ran a hand through his hair, it was late and he was both tired and disappointed with how things had turned out. He'd been seconds away from asking for a room when the woman at the front desk beat him to it.

"You said your name was Alex, yes?"

Slightly perplexed, he nodded, "Yes, that's me..."

The woman looked like she wanted to laugh but her expression remained neutral, "Miss Carter said you would come, here's the room key, she's paid for tonight already."

Okay, if he wasn't confused before, he sure was now. Alex said nothing and smiled awkwardly, accepting the key groggily and stumbling around the hotel in search of room 301.

Nearly 20 minutes later, when he had finally found it, he was surprised to find the room slightly messy and a note lying on the pillow closest to the door.

Keep trying.
xx j.

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