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A night of drinks, and quite a few penny dates was enough for Alex to conclude that Juliette was indefinitely the one sole person he wanted to spend all of his time with.

Midnight. It had been midnight exactly when he had told her. He hadn't even believed it himself, but, when he said it, when he said it, it felt so real and so truthful that he couldn't be bothered to deny it nor cover it up.

He was absolutely crazy about this woman.

In his life, there were many things that were uncertain, which of course is common for most everyone, but for this one thing, for this one thing he was certain, Juliette had his heart whether she realized it or not.

He was never really one to believe in love-at-first-sight and, in all honesty, he still didn't. But, only because it had taken more than simply first sight for him to love her. It had taken time, as it takes time to love anything really, all the time he had spent delving into her life and who she was and chasing after her had him wholly invested in her.

He loved her for the thoughts that she had, the memories that she had made, the way she spoke, and all of the things in between. It hadn't mattered the time that they knew each other, what had mattered was the time they invested in one another.

So, it was only fitting that something, or rather, some things, that hadn't been planned to occur.

Everything had happened so fast that he could hardly remember everything, the alcohol certainly didn't help any. He remembered Juliette laughing as they walked arm in arm back to their hotel, miraculously they'd booked at the same place, he remembered his overwhelming desire to just kiss her and her beating him to it, he remembered how her lips tasted like cherries although neither of them had so much as touched a cherry, he remembered the way their bodies collided in such a harmonious manner as they lie together, and he remembered the silence afterward and the bliss of finally just being in the same room with her as he fell asleep.

He woke refreshed, the impact of a long overdue night of sleep, he hadn't slept too much since he'd met her, and so very alive

And then there was the note.

At first, he'd thought maybe she'd just gone to have a nice shower, or to find food, something to be easily explained. It was only when he had seen the note on the empty pillow beside his that he realized she was gone.

He didn't know why he had expected her to stay, Steven had warned him and so had she. Oh, but the impact she'd made...he didn't think it possible for him to ever forget her.

But the note! God, what did the note say!?

He'd sighed heavily before even glancing at the ink stains she'd left, they were perhaps the only tangible, long-lasting thing that she'd left him with.


      Thank you for last night, it's been so long since I've felt alive in such a manner. As I'm sure you've already noticed, I don't stay anywhere, or with anyone, for too long, it's a rather long story but I hope you'll understand. If you'd like to talk one last time, call this number (841-375-2416), it will only work once so use it wisely, okay? Anyway back to the original point of my leaving you a note in the first place, like I told you last night, without enough reason, I'll leave you here, counting sheep, because once love is awakened, it should never go to sleep.

                                                             xx j.

Didn't she realize that he hadn't slept since he'd met her!? If love should not sleep, then damn it, he was certainly in love!

He was upset with how things had played out, but he did understand where she was coming from, he only wished that she'd given him more time, more of a chance even.

The letter was heavy in his hands, the weight of her words creating a lasting impact that he hadn't quite been prepared for.

"Nothing gold can stay..."

The number! Yes! The number! He had a number to call!

This would not be the end of his search for Juliette, it was only a new beginning.

There wasn't time to waste, he'd decided to call her right away, time being so very important in the entire matter. The line had only rung twice before she'd picked up, "Alexander, that was fast."

Despite the way he was feeling her answer had him smiling, "I could say the same to you, Miss Carter."

Juliette laughed, "Yes, well, that's how I like it I suppose."

Alex was grinning now, "I'm not giving up you know."

"I thought you'd say something like that."

He nudged the curtain aside and peered down to the streets below, his smile growing as he spotted Juliette loading her bags into a cab, "So, what's my next clue?"

Alex opened the window and leaned forward slightly over the edge in a quick attempt to overhear where she was headed.

"Leeds. Yeah, I'm hoping to actually catch the festival this year, I seem to miss it somehow every time I go. Who?"

The driver tilted his head up and in Alex's direction, he'd said something but Alex couldn't quite catch it, and Juliette looked up, her smile melting him inside and out, "Goodbye, Alex."

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