⁛≻Chapter 6≺⁛

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◸Chapter 6: The 48 Curses◿

◸Chapter 6: The 48 Curses◿

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Mei: A spy? And a set up?

The female muttered to herself as she made her way to the maid chambers. She had a light breakfast and decided to retire for a short nap. But the prince's words wouldn't leave her head. She had a million questions and thoughts running through her head that she knew she had to ask the right person for getting an actual answer.


Around the early evening, Mei was in the library with a few other maids. She kept close with only Xiaoling as they arranged the books in the Queen's library.

Mei was not oblivious to the whispers that some of the other maids shared between themselves. They were mostly bad assumptions about her and her past. People really would say anything without knowing much. 

Xiaoling had told to ignore them, but with the Prince previously doubting her for the same reasons it had Mei thinking even further on the topic. Was it really that wrong to be kind to someone? She knew the questions were raised for the fact that the one she was kind to was someone behind bars. But she didn't even know why he was there in the first place and apparently whenever she asked, it was treated like a forbidden topic. The room would turn real silent one moment and then her question goes ignored. Xiaoling would promise Mei to tell her when they have a moment of privacy, but that was almost impossible when you have a job done in a group most of the time and when you lived with almost twenty other girls, most of whom were not fond of you.

As Mei arranged some books by the couch a throat cleared to catch her attention. She quickly turned and caught sight of Ten standing there, a subtle smile on his lips.

Ten: Lady Mei.

Mei: Sir Ten? Can I help you?

Ten: Oh no... um my study is up there and I was actually just heading to see Kun. Saw you and thought I could say hello.

Mei: Oh um... hello then.

The male chuckled and looked around for a moment. Mei let out a small smile and dusted some of the books only to catch interest in one of the titles.

The 48 curses.

She stared at the black leather bound book in her hand with curiosity enveloping her.

Ten: Do you know the legend?

Mei: Legend? Isn't this some fictional book?

Ten's smile faltered and he shifted the weight of his body to the other side, discomfort hinting on his face.

Ten: Do you mind me asking something Mei?

She nodded, confused by the sudden change of his tone, turning from playful to seriousness.

Ten: Do you know why there is a madman that even requires to be taken care of?

She shook her head, confusion engulfing her.

Ten: And you really don't know about the legend? Have you never been in the east before?

Mei: No... not really. Is there something-

Kun: Sir Ten!

The two turned and saw Kun waving Ten over while holding a few files in his hand. 

Ten: I'm sorry, my lady... but I will have to continue this conversation some other time. 

She nodded again, still left in suspense as the male left to have a chat with the advisor. 

Xiaoling: What was that about?

Mei looked up from the book she was holding and saw Xiaoling joining her at the couch to clear out other books.

Mei: Oh um... nothing really. Something about a legend?

She held up the book for Xiaoling to see and she saw Xiaoling's face fall in a similar manner.

Xiaoling: You don't know?

Mei: No... what is it?

Xiaoling: Is the Phantom not a subject of nightmare in the South?

Mei: Phantom?

Mei couldn't help but let out a chuckle of disbelief.

Mei: All of this for a supposed ghost?

Xiaoling let out a deep sigh and shook her head. She took the book from Mei's and and inspected it for a moment.

Xiaoling: This is not a fictional book. Its one of our books that recites the history of the kingdom of Scorta. The entire thing. The war that split the kingdom into four and the war that brought the kingdom together when the East won. I suggest you finish reading this and then ask me anything further. 

Xiaoling gave Mei a cautious smile and left her alone at the couch. Mei looked at the book again, staring at it as an uncomfortable tension draped her. She shook off the weird feeling and decided to do as Xiaoling suggested before looking further into the matter.


The Phantom had one goal. To have fifty royals dead once they turned thirty. No one knew why he only targeted the royals but it was his only tunnel of will

Strangely enough, the Phantom of the Night disappeared only after forty eight kills, having the entire land of Scorta fall into a state of confusion that lasted only for five minutes on the night of the day when their recently crowned king had turned thirty.

After those five minutes, Scorta was engulfed in celebrations for the next month, hence the annual festival of light celebrated on the seventh month of the year.


Mei let out a deep breath and closed the book. She placed the book below her pillow and blew out the candle in her hand before placing it on the ground.

She lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. 

We are in the sixth month and it will end in one week.

Mei turned to her side and for a second, she thought she saw something move under Xiaoling's bed next to her, frightening her a little. But when she squinted her eyes to catch sight of anything, nothing was there.

A familiar feeling of discomfort returned and again Mei chose go brush it off. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

But Mei swore that she heard whispers right by her ear the entire night hereafter.

But Mei swore that she heard whispers right by her ear the entire night hereafter

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Finished another big exam :)

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