A Shield Beneath Starlight

Depuis le début

(Did anyone every praise him while he was alive?)

After a moment of silence Jason spoke up, "So.. Besides being the bodyguard of Danny. What other duties does Fright Knight hold?"

"The realms recognize Fright Knight to be the metaphorical sword of the realms. You gain an entire fleet that listens to your ever waking command. Your core's power will grow due to you being connected to the king as well." Clockwork replied

Jason's eyes widen slightly, "Shit- wait, I gain an entire fleet?"

As if sensing the ego boost he was giving the boy, Clockwork replied once more: "Several technically. Along with the Nightmare sword, stallion, and lair."

An image of a comically large sword flashed within Jason's mind. There was no way he would willingly carry it around, "Can I replace the sword with something else?"

"Of course, what did you have in mind?" Clockwork looked towards the boy at his side.

Jason hesitated, allowing a hint of embarrassment to surface of his face, "I don't know. Can I change it after I'm coronated?"

Clockwork hummed, "Of course."

And with that, Jason turned back to face the suit of armor. He had always adorned a dark red and black look, perhaps black would look nice on him?

An image of Batman flashed within his mind..


He would also have to see if the armor can be changed as well.

‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

Red Hood's mind suddenly snapped back into focus, "Nightwing, tell B' I'm going to be late to dinner."

"Okay, he's going to ask for a reason you know"

Red Hood's eyes flashed a dull green under his hood, "He doesn't need one." Jumping off the building's roof and onto another one, he quickly ran off in the direction he knew where the kid was. Paying no mind to Nightwing's hand that reached out to him. And certainly paying no attention to the vibration of his phone when he turned off his comms. He'll deal with it all later. For now, there was only one goal on his mind.

Save the king.

As he navigated through the dark alleys and rooftops of Gotham, a myriad of thoughts flooded Red Hood's mind. The persistent ringing in his head seemed to echo louder with each passing moment. The inexplicable urgency to reach the white building intensified. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something crucial was unraveling, something beyond the ordinary threats of Gotham.

With every leap, every twist and turn, the gravity of his mission weighed heavily on him. The city's ambient sounds melted into a distant hum as he focused on the single-minded purpose: to save the king. The consequences of his actions, the questions from the Bat Family, none of it mattered in comparison to the instinct that propelled him forward.

The night enveloped him in its darkness, concealing the red emblem on his chest as he moved with determination. He couldn't afford distractions or explanations; there was a greater force at play, pulling him toward an unknown destiny. And as the city whispered its secrets, Red Hood raced against time, driven by an unyielding resolve to fulfill his inexplicable mission.

Save the king.

Another memory flashed within the vigilante's mind. . .

‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

"I can't help but ask. You said my abilities will grow stronger after this, yes?"

"Yes. It is a given how all entities that live within the infinite realms hold the basic abilities of flight, intangibility, and more—with others having abilities that are closely tied to their obsessions or death. Daniel, Danielle, and you all possess enhanced versions of most abilities, such as being able to scale higher heights with flight, and more," Clockwork answered without turning back to face Jason.

Jason hummed, slightly concerned, "Isn't that a tad bit overpowered? Surely this can cause tyrannical rulers."

"It did for a short while, but I'm sure you're aware of Pariah Dark's defeat," Clockwork mused.

As the conversation unfolded, Jason couldn't shake the weight of the responsibility that came with his newfound abilities. The idea of enhanced powers sounded appealing, but the potential consequences lingered in his mind. He wondered how he would navigate this delicate balance between strength and restraint, especially in a realm where power often determined one's standing.

As if unlocking a hidden talent, Jason went intangible and took flight the moment he could—away from pestering eyes, away from everything. He took proper care to ensure he didn't fly too fast, just until he got out of the range of the trackers.

He had no desire to explain his ghostly abilities to his family. The weight of his newfound powers pressed on him, and the last thing he wanted was to deal with a barrage of questions or concerns from those who wouldn't understand the intricacies of the Infinite Realms.

Vlad hummed quietly to himself. The town was eerily quiet—no shouts of ghosts attacking the city, no happy cheers of children and teens having fun. His castle echoed the silence, amplifying the unsettling atmosphere that had gripped the once lively place. It was too quiet, and Vlad couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that hung in the air.

The streets, once bustling with life, now lay deserted, a stark contrast to the constant patrols of the GIW. They roamed the streets, vigilant in their mission to eliminate or capture any ectoplasmic entities, or as they derogatorily referred to them, "scum." Vlad had long suspected that they were involved in the tragic events that led to Jack and Maddie's deaths and the disappearance of their children, Daniel and Jasmine.

Initially harboring hatred for the organization for robbing him of the love of his life and tearing his future family apart, Vlad's sentiments had taken a twisted turn. Now, he found himself somewhat thrilled by the circumstances.

Over the past year, Vlad had employed someone to tirelessly search for Daniel's location and hack into the GIW's database. The arduous efforts had finally borne fruit, revealing information that sent shivers down Vlad's spine.

The horrors the boy had endured for a year were beyond imagination. The psychological scars would likely haunt him for life, making even the sight of lab equipment a triggering experience.

Vladimir Masters saw an opportunity in this. If he assumed Daniel's mantle and played the role of the metaphorical hero, he could exploit the boy's fragile mindscape to keep him by his side. With patience and manipulation, Vlad believed he could finally achieve his long-desired goal of having Daniel as his son.

Yet, there was a hurdle. Leaving Illinois was necessary, given that the GIW base was situated in Pennsylvania. It was an unusual location, but the choice made sense from a security perspective. Vlad pondered the challenges ahead, knowing that the journey to acquire Daniel would require strategic finesse and careful planning.

But if he raised even an ounce of suspicion, he may be done for. He may be more experience than Daniel, but the boy's quick wit and unnatural sense of adaptability should have made it impossible for him to be taken. Yet he was and has stayed in captivity for an entire year.

Vlad would rather be safe than sorry.

Phantom on the Shore - A Batman X Danny Phantom Crossover fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant