Chapter 22 (Final)

Start from the beginning

The face looked curious for a moment.

Where was Professor Snape?! Koty needed help!

"You intrigue me, Mr. Malfoy," the face said slowly. "Your magic is nothing like anything I've ever seen before."

Koty blinked in surprise. Seeing magic was an incredibly rare ability. "What did you want from Jamie?" He asked nervously shifting, but stopped when his right wing was yanked on by the ropes.

"While I would have deeply appreciated the irony of having the Boy Wonder assist in my resurrection," the face began with a half smirk that twisted his features into something more grotesque than before. "It isn't necessary. You will suffice. It is, after all, a very simple task. All you have to do is look into the mirror."

Koty's brow furrowed. How would looking into a mirror help resurrect someone? "I don't understand," he said honestly.

"My Lord?" Came an astonished gasp from the doorway.

"Sev!" Koty cried out, relief overwhelming the little Vílaupír. He got the door unlocked! Koty was saved!

Blinking at the level of familiarity, the face merely grinned. "My dear Severus. How fortuitous this night has been."

"Accio wand," the professor said, but made no moves to attack the strange being.

The bit of wood that Koty used as a fake wand zoomed from its spot on the floor to Professor Snape's outstretched hand. His eyes were locked onto the face, but his brow knit when the wood slapped into his palm.

"My Lord, how?"

Koty was shocked and confused. Why wasn't Professor Snape attacking the face? Why was he just standing there?!

"Now is neither the time nor the place, Severus." The face said, eyeing them curiously. "My friend, I find myself at a loss."

"My Lord?"

The face paused, then blinked. "We will discuss it later, my friend. It seems I have missed a great many things in my absence."

"What is going on?!" Koty demanded, sounding more confident than he felt. He hissed when the outburst caused him to move slightly, twisting his wings painfully.

Ignoring him entirely, the face stared Severus down. "You know what is hidden here, do you not?"

"Yes, my Lord." Severus nodded sharply. "I was enlisted to aid in its protection, just as Quirinius was."

The face hummed. "In any case, I require the stone if I am to resume my physical form."

Without skipping a beat, Severus stood in front of the mirror. He gasped as Koty watched on in confusion. "My Lord, I believe I am unable to assist you."

"You have desires greater than my resurrection?" The face deadpanned.

Severus looked away from the mirror with what appeared to be a great deal of difficulty. Eventually, he sighed and knelt at the man's feet. "I apologize, my Lord."

"Rise, Severus," it said, closing its eyes. "I am unable to blame you for having desires that do not match my own."

"Perhaps, my Lord," Severus began, glancing at Koty. "If we were to explain the importance of the stone to the youngest Malfoy, he might assist?"

"That's twice now I've been 'asked' to help," Koty half shouted. "But I'm not going to help you steal a stone for money or immortality!"

"How much time would you estimate we have, Severus?"

"Very little," the potions Master replied, sounding... defeated? "The Brat-Who-Lived and his band of merry morons have injured themselves badly and the so-called cavalry will be here momentarily."

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