Winston opened the door and held it for me as I walked in and introduced us to the teacher. The teacher gave us a couple seats in the back of the class and said she would assign new ones later.
"Class, this is Mackenzie Bryant and Winston Hart, they are from South Haven high school. Ms. Bryant, Mr. Hart, I'm Mrs. Claver." The middle aged woman said with a forced smile. Class was pretty boring. I could barely hold in any knowledge. Winston fell asleep and was drooling all over his notebook. I started doodling on my hand in pen to pass the time. Soon enough the bell rang and it was music to my ears. Next we had History. The bell didn't seem to wake Winston from his dreams, so I guess I had to. I quickly flicked his ear which woke him up instantly.

"Hey! What was that for?" He groaned.
"The bell rang, that's what." I said while dragging him out of his chair. He finally got up and we walked quickly made it to History. We met up with Victoria and Drew and walked into the class. We introduced ourselves to the teacher and the class and all the fun stuff then ended up sitting together in the back. Winston and Drew got checked out by a lot of girls. Winston took advantage of that opportunity and winked at them making them blush. Drew just brushed them off. He didn't really like to be with other girls, he just wants to find his mate. I couldn't blame him. I want to find my mate too.

Now that I'm seventeen I will soon be able to. Once a werewolf is seventeen we are able to smell and find our mate. If we are seventeen and our mates is not then we can't identify them as our mate until they are seventeen. Soon enough class was over as well and Winston and were off to art. Art breezed by fast since we just watched a movie about Van Gogh.

Finally, lunch time. I was so hungry since I barely ate any of my bagel this morning. I walked into the cafeteria and nearly ran to the lunch line dragging Winston and Victoria behind me. I couldn't help it. My wolf was hungry. I had gotten chicken nuggets and fries with a bottle of water. I waited for Winston and Victoria to finish paying for their food before going towards the table where the rest of the pack was sitting. Drew and Brooklyn were already sitting at the table and were talking with some other people in the pack. "Are you ready for football tryouts, Drew?" Winston said with his signature smirk.

"Oh you know it. I am ready to slay these Westview kids." Drew announced filled with confidence.

I sat down in between Winston and Brooklyn with the twins across from me. "Are you girls trying out for anything?" Drew asked trying to spark conversation.

"We are trying out for the cheerleading squad," Victoria said with finality in her voice "right Mack?"

"Of course we are! Are you going to try out too, Brooklyn?" I turned to the red headed girl next to me.

"If you guys are then yes I will." She replied. I'm glad to be trying out for a team. Maybe we will make more friends.

Brooklyn's birthday was coming up. She's turning 17 and we are throwing her a surprise party at my house. It took forever to get my dad to agree.
"Is everything set up for Brooklyn's party on Wednesday?" I mind-linked to Victoria.

"Yes, everything is set up and ready." She replied. Brooklyn doesn't expect a least I hope she doesn't. The lunch room was quite loud, if werewolves didn't have such good hearing none of us would be able to hear anyone speak. I could smell something in the air.

'Mate.' My wolf said. 'Mate. Mate. Mate.'

No way. My mate is here. I can't believe it. I have to find him. Track down his sent. I got up from our lunch table and followed the scent through the lunch room. I couldn't find him, I was so upset. I was so very close to finding my mate, the person I love unconditionally and he's gone. Filled with disappointment, I went back to my table and sat back down in between Winston and Brooklyn. Winston looked at me with a confused expression, I gave him a don't-ask-I'll-explain-later look. He shrugged it off and go back into his conversation with Drew about tryouts.

The bell rang signaling it time for our next period. Since we all had gym next we grouped up and walked there together. The locker rooms looked like empty bathrooms with showers in them. It was kind of weird. (Yes boys and girls were in separate locker rooms). I changed into a pair of hot pink spandex shorts and a black sports bra with a black tank top which I was probably going to take off later due to the heat. Victoria put on teal spandex shorts and a gray sports bra and didn't even bother putting on a shirt. Brooklyn was a little more modest and wore a shirt in which she would probably take off anyway. She wore forest green spandex and a black sports bra with a gray shirt.

We walked out of the locker room and on to the field. We were greeted with many whistles from the other boys in my class. They were soon hushed when Winston and Drew walked out. Winston put his arm around my waist to make the guys back off and Drew put his arm around both Victoria and Brooklyn. The guys quickly walked away, afraid that Winston or Drew would end their life.

"Alright, girls run laps and boys do some conditioning!" The coach yelled across the field. We quickly split up and I started running towards the track. Some girls were already starting to run so I soon joined in. I didn't know how many laps we were supposed to run, but I didn't care. I loved running.
'Mate.' My wolf squealed again. I could smell him. I sprinted away from the track, following my mate's scent. I was getting close I could feel it. He was inside the school. I ran to the doors of the school and opened them hoping my mate would be on the other side. He wasn't. I turned the corner wishing he was there, but he was no where to be seen. I joined the girls back on the track after finally giving up on looking for him today.

Victoria was waiting for me by the track and we started to run together and converse about Brooklyn's party. After gym the rest of the day flew by fast. All I could think about was my mate. Whether he would reject me or not, who he was. It was just so exciting to think about. Soon I was in my car being driven home by my father as he talked about his scouting and Henry talked about his day. In all honesty I wasn't really listening. I had only one thing on my mind at the time. My mate.

Alpha (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें