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king nev 👑

hey bianca
are you okay?

hey nev!
thanks for checking in
i'll be alright

of course id check in B!
remember when you fought off those fifth years for me in third year?
it's the least i can do❤️

nev you're such a sweet soul
this is why you're my king fr

you flatter me b
i just hope you really are okay. whoever sent those photos in is just a fan trying to embarrass you and gain attention

I know
i just hate the fact they dragged malfoy into it

The sound of another incoming text notified my phone, interrupting the conversation with Neville about Malfoy.
Speaking of the devil.

dragon 🐉

I didn't tell them to post that I swear.

so it wasn't for a fun little game of revenge?
im sure malfoy.

You think so shallow of me?

i do

contact name changed - malfoy

Why would I do that Bianca?

why wouldn't you
look how you treat others
why would I be an exception?
you were only nice to me when you didn't know who I was.

Who said I didn't know it was you.

stop toying with me malfoy.
i'm not stupid.

of course not
you're the brightest witch of our age excluding granger that know-it-all.

And stop trying to suck up to me.
to think i even had an ounce of liking towards you disgusts me
truely you are the foulest most mean guy i've met yet.

Shout at me or yell at me all you'd like if it helps, love.
But I promise to you that I wouldn't send something like that in to embarrass you.

that's just hard to believe

Well I hope you find it in you to believe me.
seen 12:19am


oh b im so sorry
i don't know what to say or do but if you need me im here always
seen 1:46am

blaze rod🔥

seen 2:00am

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seen 2:00am

oh shit i didn't even make u laugh🥲
seen 2:01am


heard what happened
i'm on my way with ice cream and movies

yes please🥹

harry ⚡️

hi bianca
i know we don't talk all of much but I wanted to check in!
sent 2:05am

okay maybe i also wanted to let you know that i understand how it feels to have the whole school staring at you and to feel completely embarrassed and I want you to know you're not alone so if you'd like to talk to someone or just need someone to listen im your guy!
sent 2:06am

well im not your guy but like im the guy yk!
sent 2:06am

😅 sorry im not good at this
sent 2:07am

i'll just man up and say it
bianca I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometimes? maybe as a date?
sent 2:15am
seen 2:32am

thank you so much harry that's very sweet of you
and yes i'd love that
it's a date.
sent 8:18am

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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