Chapter XVIII: Dinner and A Walk

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Wassup Edgelings!?

Sorry for being a little late on the update, but it took me a bit to get really inspired. I've written tons of angst, but these happier scenes (spoiler alert ig) are a bit harder for me. I'm trying to make my stories more balanced and I'm just now getting to a point in my life where I'm beginning to value the happy scenes as much as the angsty ones. So cut me a little slack if it isn't the best. It's still a work in progress.

Have fun!


Emmet walked down the creaky old stairs after dropping his belongings off in his room at the inn. He needed a bit to eat before heading to bed, and the main level of the inn was a tavern. The smells of roasted beef and fried potatoes had been tempting him since the moment he walked in.

His gray green eyes scanned the long, narrow room for a suitable table. Waitresses ambled between heavy wooden tables, taking patrons orders. Various paintings and mob heads hung crooked on the wall in no particular pattern. The windows were small and high up on the wall, probably so that they were less likely to be broken by object hurled by feuding customers, and also less likely to be broken into at night. The smoke from the lanterns hung from the ceiling floated around in the air with very little ventilation, making the narrow room warm and stuffy. Emmet didn't expect much more from a place like this, he wasn't travelling to stay in high end resorts.

Emmet's eyes rested on a small empty table near the door, and he began weaving through the others to get to it. He kept an eye on a couple suspicious characters sitting at the bar, wary of what kind of people he might encounter in a place like this.

He had almost reached the table when he felt someone tug on his tunic, he tensed and turned, and saw the kids who helped him earlier. He relaxed slightly, thanking Notch that he hadn't gotten himself into more trouble.

"Why don't you sit with us?" The guy in red, the one who presumably tugged his tunic, offered.

Emmet eyed the empty sixth seat, it was in between the guy dressed in green and the guy dressed in yellow. He thought for a moment, "Is the rest of your group alright with that?"

"Of course," Chance smiled, a small scrap of chicken stuck between his teeth. "Go right ahead and sit. Dinner's always better with company."

Emmet smiled back and nodded, "Thank you. It sure beats eating alone."

As soon as he sat down something bumped into his leg from beneath the tablecloth. He dismissed it, but then something began noisily sniffing his shoe. He peaked under the table and saw a pig of all things staring back at him.

"That's Reuben," the guy in yellow informed him, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "He's Cardinal's pet, and I don't for the life of me understand why he can't stay in the stable with the horses for just one night."

"Because he would get lonely without me!" the guy dressed in red, presumably Cardinal, protested through his mouthful of potatoes.

The yellow guy rolled his eyes, "The stable is full of animals."

"It's not the same!" Cardinal snapped back, taking one of the carrots from his plate and sticking it under the table. Munching and happy snorting sounds immediately followed.

A waitress noticed the new addition to the Freelancer's table, and sauntered over to collect his order. "What can I get for you, hun?" She asked in a heavy accent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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