Stuck in the Sizzling Drizzle

651 17 4

Y/n: "Talking." "Thinking."

Minor actions/Descriptions

Major Actions


Bonesborough Forest 8:00 AM

Y/n strolled through the forest, the red trees flowing in the wind they seemed to be moving harsher than normal. 

The boy had been warned to hurry to retrieve his ship, for the rains were coming.

Y/n looked at his scroll before he heard a rumble of thunder, he turned his head and saw a massive gathering of storm clouds forming behind him. 

Y/n: "Oh you have got to be kidding me."

Y/n got into a running stance, hands on the round leaning forward. He inhaled deeply, in the split second before an explosion was cast at his feet. He effortlessly maneuvered through the tree lines using small controlled explosions to redirect himself. 

He soon landed at an open gate on a path that led to a large mansion, Blight Manor.

He soon landed at an open gate on a path that led to a large mansion, Blight Manor

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Y/n ran up the path to the front door and was greeted by an abomination in a bow tie, who opened the door and quickly guided him down to an underground lab.

Y/n thanked the pile of sludge before entering the lab, he saw a man with brown hair working tirelessly on Striker. 

The man wore golden goggles and a dark grey lab coat covered in abomination slime. Y/n knocked on a table behind the man he turned around prevailing his golden eyes, this man is the father of the Blight children Alidor.

 Y/n knocked on a table behind the man he turned around prevailing his golden eyes, this man is the father of the Blight children Alidor

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