Koty was still too dumbfounded to speak as he sat at his usual spot at the empty end of the Slytherin table. Much to his shock, every single one of the Slytherin first years moved closer, and he was suddenly sitting by people who had only ever scorned him. He didn't even know their first names! Or most of their surnames, for that matter.

Draco, he noticed, made sure to sit with as many people between them as possible.

The barrel shaped boy who sat across from Koty knocked his walking stick over.

"Sorry," he said, picking it up and propping it against the table once more.

Koty looked at his friends at the Ravenclaw table in bewilderment. In return, he received tentative smiles and shrugs.

"So, did the Malfoys adopt you, or are you still a Potter?" The girl next to the burly boy spat the name like it was a disease. She had a severe bob cut and a pinched expression on her face, almost as if she smelled something gross. "Draco hasn't said a word."

For his part, Draco just scoffed.

The Headmaster was still angry, but he stopped trying to speak. The hourglass for Slytherin was completely emptied, the Ravenclaw hourglass held eighty-six points, the Hufflepuffs had one hundred and four points, and the Gryffindors remained at two hundred and ninety-one points.

"He was fully adopted," Draco said eventually, when it became clear that Koty wasn't going to answer.

"Massive brownie points within the magical being community too," another boy said with a firm nod.

"The only ones who knew about me before the trial were my friends, Professor Snape, Madam Pomfrey and the Headmaster," Koty mumbled, feeling defensive toward his new parents. Sure, the professor had spoken with Lucius about his creature inheritance, but they didn't need to know that.

"Hey!" The other burly boy exclaimed. "Your eyes are different colors now!"

Koty just nodded, wondering how he had noticed. Had they been paying him more attention than he thought? Even glancing down at his plate for a second, Koty didn't even remember what color that boy's eyes were, despite having just looked at him. Feeling the need to check, he stole a quick peek. Brown. That boy's eyes were brown.

Professor Snape was watching them closely. Upon catching Koty's eye, he used his fork to subtly point at his plate.

Blushing, Koty realized he hadn't seen the feast appear. There were the usual dishes, but to his surprise, there was a separate plate that held a single steak that was almost raw. He transferred it to his plate and added a bunch of raw vegetables. His newly strengthened teeth cut through it all with ease, and he was reminded of the 'rock biting' comment. Clearing his throat to keep from laughing, he took a sip of water.

The conversation seemed to flow, despite him not adding to it.

When the food finally vanished, Koty was shocked once more when the first years surrounded him in their march back to the dungeons. Usually, he'd have left a few minutes early to avoid the crowds, but was told that they would leave together and that was that. He wondered how long it would take them to grow tired of his slower gait and leave him behind like before.

"Alright," an Italian boy said in annoyance.They hadn't made it very far. "This is ridiculous. Just have the bloody dog carry you! At this rate, we'll have to turn around and walk to class by the time you finally get there!"

"I didn't ask for this!" Koty snapped and immediately gasped. He had just yelled at someone! He never yelled! It made him feel awful. Keeping his gaze firmly on the floor, he ignored everyone and continued on his way, hoping they would just go away. Why did being a Malfoy suddenly make everyone want to talk to him? Would he have to question any ties he made from now on? He didn't want to doubt everyone for the rest of his life, but what else could he do?

I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm KittenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora