"No need Princess Jasmine." Mal replied, "We're much tardier on the Isle. Think nothing of it."

"I'm sure he'll be along." Aladdin said, "Come, we'll show you the garden in the meantime."

Mal followed his outstretched hand as they led the way, Jasmine accompanied Drac as the four made it out a side door and into a beautiful garden. Vines with assorted flowers grew up pavilions, wooden benches and tables were spaced out if one wanted to sit down in the sun or the shade. A monkey hopped along the palm trees.

"Abu." Aladdin called, "Best behavior."

Mal and Drac chuckled as the monkey tipped his little hat to them as he swung by. Aladdin and Jasmine then began to talk to Mal about her tour and how she was adapting. She and Aladdin did have a lot in common which seemed to quell any nerves remaining in his sister. Her stiff professional stance was loosening as she grew more comfortable and became more of herself. She talked more animatedly and smiled more genuine and even giggled a few times. Jasmine would chime in as well even as she accompanied Drac behind the pair. He was fine with being silent, after all, Mal was the one who was likely going to become queen. Not him. He was fine stepping back and being in her shadow - he'd grown up doing the same thing. And while he enjoyed standing on his own back on the Isle Auradon was still new and uncommon enough that his place under Mal gave him the advantage to take in everything around him and not have to worry about being the center of attention as much. He noted the way the royals walked, how they phrased their words, how they never let their voices carry higher than a certain octave. He logged it all in his brain, knowing as a lord he'd need it sooner rather than later.


After a tour of the palace, much like the tour of Auradon Prep they'd gotten from Ben ages ago, Aladdin and Jasmine left Mal and Drac to the suite prepared for them telling the pair they'd see then at dinner. In the meantime Ben would be arriving. Poor Ben, if Mal thought she had a lot to deal with she should take a good look at her boyfriend. Ben didn't have the luxury of travel time like they did. For the king it was wake up, sign papers, go to a meeting, fly here to meet with some important somebody, then fly back, go to another meeting, then go to this ribbon cutting for a grand opening, then go back finish more paperwork, then go to bed and start the whole thing over again. Drac wasn't sure how he did it, but, then again he'd been raised to be able to handle being king one day.

The suite he and Mal had been given had a shared living space with a set of double doors on each side for a bedroom and private common area. Mal stayed in the living space, rifling through the luggage that had been brought in for them, and already began to fret over finding her outfit for dinner. Drac headed to his room, hoping to maybe catch a nap. He'd been planning to get some sleep on the ride here but with Mal so nervous he couldn't just ignore helping his sister. But with Ben only an hour or so away and Mal distracted with wardrobe Drac now had a moment to himself.

He shut the double doors behind him and turned, pressing his back to the ornate wood. He closed his eyes, leaned his head back and let out a long sigh. Only a second later a hand was pressed to the door right beside his head and he didn't even open his eyes in time to see who was in his room before he was being kissed. Deeply. But it felt familiar so he melted into it.

"Sorry." Aziz said immediately as he stepped back and seemed to come to his senses. He pressed his fingers to his mouth, rubbed his lips and shook his head. "Sorry, sorry."

He was smiling but at the same time looked bashful as he tried to explain himself while Drac stood there watching him.

"I just. . . I missed you and. . . well, welcome back. . . to Auradon. How was the Isle?"

Do What You Gotta Do - a Descendants fanfic - Hades Maleficent Where stories live. Discover now