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After the grueling war in previous chapters, our group took a well-deserved rest, and then about 5 months later, disaster struck as a new threat had appeared, and they called themselves The Time Harvesters and they then reset the timeline.

Me: This can't be good
Lincoln: I agree
Mark: What the fuck

Somewhere in the universe

Me: uhm, what was that?
Mark: I don't know
Me: Anyway according to the multiverse codex, there is a group called the Time Harvester Syndicate, and they are made up of the seven most ruthless and dangerous time lords of all time, and those people are:

1) Clockwork
2) Time Keeper
3) Countdown
4) Warp
5) Slow-mo
6) Corrupt-Time-God

Their leader is unknown at this time
Mark: Really?
Me: Yeah, they are not to be messed with even the Time Verience Authority have trouble with taking the Time Harvester Syndicate

Just then, a dark presence was felt, and as they all looked around, a dark figure was standing there, his name...

????: It's time for some crime

Me: Lame!!!
????: Don't you know who I am
Me: Yeah, I do. You're Clockwork
Clockwork: That's right, I'm Clockwork, and you actually know who I am....
Me: Well, of course I do, Father
Clockwork(Xavier): Always so perceptive, huh son
Me: Yip that me dad
Mark: Hey, pops
Clockwork(Xavier): Hey Mark
Me: So what are you doing here, dad
Clockwork(Xavier): I'm here to warn you
Mark: About what?
Clockwork(Xavier): the upcoming multiversal war be careful with whom you trust not all who you encounter can be of trustworthiness but time will tell and when ever you need us we'll be there
Me: I'll think about it, dad
Clockwork(Xavier): That's my boy

Just then, a message was sent to my phone with a message saying, "Turn on monitor 785243" so I do so, and a story is read and is as follows:

Sylvie reels from what she has done and tries not to contemplate the consequences of her actions-until it stares her right in the face.

She'd finally done it. After all this time.

She finally killed the man responsible for ruining her life. Who decreed on his throne of lies that she shouldn't exist. Who forced her to run, hide, and kill just to survive.

Sylvie should have been happy, elated even. But all she felt as she sat on the cold black marble floor, gripping her bloodied weapon, was unrelenting dread.

The Variant was in a daze, contemplating the man's last words to her as an Asgardian blade was plunged through his heart. She looked into the eyes of a dying man that held no fear as he told her with a smile, "See you soon."

It poisoned her with doubt.

'A ploy.' She thought. 'Another lie to make me falter.' She tried to convince herself. Still paranoid, she looked at the man again to make sure he hadn't suddenly pulled a disappearing act.

No, still dead.

Sylvie closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. After a moment she exhaled, 'What's done is done.' She picked herself up from the floor, her sword still gripped in her right hand, and took out the man's odd-looking TemPad with her left. The same one she used to send Loki away.

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