Chapter 1: White Noise

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Music playing: Darkness Time
Time of day: Nighttime
Chapter: 1

I stumbled to my room in a daze. When I walked in, I completely forgot what I was there for. I'm so tired. I hear a knock at my door. When I opened it, I saw Enjeru.
"Hey. Are you okay?" Enjeru asked. She had a worried expression on her face.
I subconsciously stepped to the side so that she would be able to enter my room. As soon as she entered, I watched her go by and closed my door. Looking back at her, she's sitting on my bed, gliding her hands across the sheets.
"You looked tired while Junichi was talking about working together to keep each other safe. Are you okay?" She reiterated.
She's right, I am tired. I stared blankly at her. She avoided eye contact with me and maybe my expression gave her all the information she needed. I started speaking.
"I'm...okay. You?"
"I'm fine. I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to pass out on us. Despite only knowing you for a couple of hours, I do care about you for whatever reason. I hope you know that."
As she's talking to me, it's going in one ear and out the other. By her tone, I think she realized that.
"I'll let you sleep. You look dead. Maybe you'll feel better after some good sleep!"
I nodded as I watched her stand up and leave. She waved as she left and I waved nervously back. After she was gone, I dropped onto my bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Time of day: Daytime

I woke up to the dreaded announcement.
"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine!"
I guess it's time to go to the dining hall.

Music playing: Cool Morning

When I walked into the cafeteria, I noticed that mostly everyone was there; Junichi, Enjeru, Ryosuke, Kagami...The one person who was missing was Hinata.
"Where's Hinata?"
I instinctively looked over at Kagami and Kaname, expecting them to know where their younger brother was.
"Hinata sometimes sleeps in. I guess he's still sleeping?" Kagami looked over at Kaname and then back at me.
"Before I came over here, I checked to see if he was awake just because he tends to sleep through alarms. He was awake but wasn't thrilled about being woken up, so he might've gone back to bed."
"Fine, I'll get him!" Kagami stormed off, yelling at her brother.
As we all watched Kagami leave, Enjeru came up to me.
"How are you feeling today?"
"Better, thanks."
I gave her a nod and a smile and she smiled back at me. Kagami eventually came back, dragging Hinata by the collar. She was reprimanding him like a mother would to her child who just did something wrong.
"How could you just fall back asleep like that?! You're acting like we aren't all in danger!"
Kagami almost threw him against a nearby table, causing him to knock over the table, but instead, he only fell over.
"Kagami! Stop!"
Kaname's voice rang through the dining hall as Kagami looked over her shoulder to Kaname and then back to Hinata, whom Honami and Etsuko were helping up.
"Kagami, what the hell's the matter with you?!" Kaname looked down at Kagami with fire in his eyes. She looked down in sadness and disappointment.
Just as Kaname's about to continue, Akira asks Hinata if he's okay.
"Are you alright, Hinata?"
"Yeah, my head hurts, is all."
Kaname was still yelling at Kagami as Hinata was given a bag of ice to ease his head pain. He took it with thankfulness in his voice as Honami gave it to him.
"Thank you, Honami."
"No problem!"
We all sat down, trying to shake off what just happened. Kagami looked the saddest out of all of us.
"So," Isamu started. He wanted to assert himself as the leader. Ryosuke scowled at his attempt. He must not've liked him trying to lead all of us.
"A mechanical bear is holding us hostage. What do we do to escape?"
"How about we do nothing and do what he says? D-Didn't he say that if we didn't 'obey' him, he would p-punish us?" Etsuko commented.
That was the first time she ever decided to speak up. Her voice was that of a mouse, meek and quiet. She looked at us, jerking her head left and right, and had a bashful expression on her face.
"What's your name again?"
Hinata looked at her with sharp eyes. He seemed to have said that purposefully.
"I-I'm Etsuko Fujiwara. I'm the Ultimate Voice A-Actor..."
"Even for someone who is meant to be both a voice actor and famous, you're kinda forgettable and meek. I mean, you haven't even bothered to say anything up until now and you're constantly stuttering," Hinata monologued.
Etsuko stared at Hinata blankly. She must not been able to find her words after Hinata had put her on blast.
"This needs to stop. We should be working together," Junichi added after a long, uncomfortable silence.
Just as Isamu was about to speak again, Monokuma showed up. 
"Good morning, you bastards!"
All of us were stunned to see him again. It's not like we wanted to.
"...Okay, whatever...You guys won't even greet your headmaster? Geez, you guys are ill-mannered...I thought they taught manners in schools now! I mean, it's 1964! You guys should have basic manners!"
Monokuma scolded us, but it was hard to take him seriously.
"...Anyway, I have a motive for you all! A personal vendetta!"
We all looked around at each other with confused looks on our faces.
As Monokuma passed out some envelopes with our names on the backs of them, Monokuma explained the motive to us.
"In this envelope, you will be able to read all the wrong-doings of one of your fellow classmates! Are you able to forgive and forget? Or are you going to kill them cold?!" 
Upon opening mine, my letter read:

"Enjeru Sekiguchi:
-Changed her name
-Accidentally killed multiple animals
-Has an obsession issue"

We all read them and decided to leave.
I have some time...what should I do?

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