Intro to Nick the desperate.

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Artemis POV:

Finally, it was lunch time, and Artemis was ready to ask Dick out, or at least ask to be friends.

She slid into a seat in the corner of the cafeteria next to Dick, "Hey."

"Hi," he replied.

"So, uhh, I've been watching you for a few weeks," Artemis sucked at human interaction. "Shit," she mumbled, "I didn't mean that to be creepy."

Dick nodded, seeming to be disinterested in her.

"So, uhh," she took a deep breath, "would you go out with me?"

Dick looked at her, shocked. "Umm, no, sorry. I'm gay." He opened his eyes wider, "Shit! Don't tell anyone I said that."

"Why? Are you not out to your parents or something?"

"Uhh, no-no, I just don't need the attention from the press. They would just love a story on 'Bruce Wayne's gay orphan son'."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to- I don't even like you like that. My friends just made a dare thing of who could get a rich date first. Sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you."

Dick smiled gently. "No, it's ok. My friends like to do similar dares."

They sat in silence, finishing there meals.

"You know," Dick said, "if you need a date with famous guy that badly, I know just the person for you!" He grabbed Artemis' hand, pulling her to another table, a few meters away from there own.

At the table sat someone with shoulder length hair, dyed dusty teal, wearing mostly black and a band T-shirt, a boy with bleached blond hair in an undercut wearing a bright pink shirt reading "WHAT'S SLEEP?", and another boy wearing a shirt that said "Ineffable" with black hair.

"This," said Dick, gesturing to the black haired boy, "is Nick. He has been trying to get a girlfriend for months because he's trying to convince his homophobic parents that he's not gay. He is, in fact, very gay though. Going on a date with him would solve both your problems." Dick turned to Nick, "This is Artemis. Her friends dared her to get a date with someone famous, she asked me, but as I am to gay to function, I thought you may be a better candidate. So, what do you both say?"

"I'm good with it," Nick said.

"No offense or anything, but how is he famous?" Artemis said.

"Well his parents are rich and got him a part in the new Batman movie, he's playing young Batman." Dick seemed to be trying to hold in a laugh as he explained.

"Ok! I'm good with it than. When should we go on our first 'date'?"

"Hmm," Nick thought, "Don't think I'm doin' much this weekend? What 'bout you?"

"Maybe Sunday at 3?" Artemis replied.


Dick POV:

Wally would be happy to hear that he would be beating Artemis in there little game. Dick smiled. He was exited to see the look on Wally's face when he told him what had happened today, he was sure that it would amuse him greatly.

As Dick was walking out of school, Artemis ran up to him. "Hey, Dick." She said, " I know that our first meeting was kinda," she waved her hands around, "but I was wondering if, maybe, we could still be friends?"

    Dick smiled, "Sure! I noticed you were having trouble with your English work, so maybe I could help and we could study together? I mean, I'm not sure how much I could, help, english isn't even my first language, but-"

    "That sounds great!" Artemis said, smiling. "Do you happen to be any good at math, I suck at it."

    Dick laughed. "Yeah, I can definitely help with that."

    The two waved good bye and Dick found himself walking alone. Well, until someone ran quickly by him, skidding to a halt, and almost face planting into the ground.

    "Hey Wally!"

Artemis POV:

    Just after parting ways with Dick, Artemis saw a red haired boy jogging up to her.

    "Wally?" she called.

    "Hey, Artemis! Find a date yet?"

    "In fact I did." Artemis saw Wally's face pail.

    "WHAT?! WITH WHO?"

    "Well, I did ask Dick Grayson," Wally looked shocked, what was that about? "But he said no but introduced me to this guy named Nick. Apparently he's going to be in the new Batman movie."

    "Wait, when are you going on the date?"

    "This weekend," said Artemis. "See Wally? I'm gonna win easily."

    "Don't count on it!" He yelled as he made his way to Gotham academy.

    Artemis laughed under her breath. Wally could try and beat her, but it would never happen, how would he get a date before the on coming weekend?

Dick POV:

"Hey, Wally!"

"Dick!" His boyfriend yelled, "How could you betray me like this," He fell to the floor dramatically. "I thought you were better than this. But now I learn you were consorting with the enemy? How dare you?"

Dick sighed dramatically. "Oh, Wallace, I wish you hadn't found out like this, please, take me back! I will pay for the food on our date, if you consider reclaiming me as yours!"

Both boys laughed and began to walk to the manor.

"I can't believe Artemis asked you out! I'm so gonna rub it in her face when I show them that you were mine all along!" Wally exclaimed.

"I look forward to it."

"And I look forward to you paying for our date tomorrow."

"Damn," Dick mumbled, "I shouldn't have mentioned that.

Wally POV:

When Dick and Wally got to the Young Justice cave that night, they found Artemis bragging about her date plans for the weekend.

When the rest of the team noticed they were there they invited them over, giving them a brief summary of what had happened. Artemis told them about how she got a date on the weekend, even though both boys already knew, and the others told them that they had little success.

"What about you, Wally?" Megan asked. "Have you found anyone yet?"

"Nope," Wally said, they didn't need to know of his success yet, "but I can assure you I'll have someone by tomorrow!"

The team rolled there eyes. "Don't be disappointed when that doesn't happen, Wally," Artemis said.

"Don't be disappointed when you're wrong, Artemis," Wally replied. He was exited to prove the team wrong. "I'll see you tomorrow and tell you all about my date plans!" He yelled, getting onto the Zeta tubes with Dick.

When they got back to the manor, Dick said, "So what are your 'date plans'?"

"I have no idea, I was hoping you would help with that."

Dick sighed, he knew his boyfriend had expected his planlessness. "Come on, lets go up to my room and start planning," Dick said, pulling Wally up the stairs.

They didn't end up doing much planning, to Wally's delight, most of the time was spent cuddling and kissing in front of  the TV, playing Heartstopper.


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