Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls (Part 2)

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Bill: Ha ha ha ho! This is just too perfect! Didn't you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn't work if you don't all hold hands? And what's better, you've brought every threat to my power together in one easy-to-destroy CIRCLE! (Burns the circle)

Dipper: Oh no!
You: OMG!

Pacifica: (Notices that her hair is on fire and pats it) Ah! My hair!

Robbie: (Notices that his hair is on fire and pats it) Ah! My hair also!

Bill: (Grabs Stan and Ford) You guys wanna see what happens to your friends when you can't get along?

McGucket: Hey! You give them back!
Gideon: You've gone too far, Cipher!
Wendy: Yeah! We're not scared of you! (Grabs her ax)

You also nodded pulling out your axe that had a blue flame to it because of your touch.

McGucket: (Grabs his banjo)
Bill: Oh, but you should be.

Bill snaps his finger  and everyone except Dipper, you, Mabel, Ford, and Stan floats up beside him

Mabel: Ah!
Dipper: Oh no!
You: Hey!

Bill: You know, this castle could really use some decorATIONS!

The people who he was holding up are replaced by tapestries with pictures of them screaming in front of their symbols

Bill: Looks like it's too late for your friends, Stanford.

Dipper and Mabel scream as a cage encases them and you as you try to punch the cage open.

Stan: Ah! Kids!

Bill: But you can still save your family. Last chance: tell me how to take Weirdmageddon global and I'll spare the kids!

Dipper: No! Don't do it!
Mabel: Yeah! Bill makes bad deals!
You: (nods) You're better than this!

Bill: Don't you toy with me, Shooting Star and Brat. I see EVERYTHI--! (Eye shows a picture of a galaxy; as Mabel sprays paint in his eye) Ow! Not again! Why?! Every time!

Stan: Nice shot, pumpkin.
Ford and Stan are released from Bill's arms and fall to the ground.

Bill: I just regenerated that eye!

Mabel: I know that hurts because I've accidentally done it to myself! Multiple times!

You chuckle facepalming as you float.

Dipper pulls out the height-altering crystal flashlight and enlarges their cage. Dipper and Mabel jump out while you float through  as Bill continues to scream in pain.

Dipper: Save yourselves. Run! We'll take care of Bill!

Ford: What? That's a suicide mission!
Dipper: Trust us. We've beat him before...

Mabel and you: ...and we'll beat him again! (Fist bumps Dipper and you) Hey! Bill! Come and get us, you pointy jerk!

You: I would never call you my father even if I had to DIEEE!

Bill growls. Dipper and Mabel run off with you into the Fearamid. Before leaving, Mabel stretches her lips to blow a raspberry.

Ford: What? No! It's too dangerous!

Ford and Stan start to run after you, Dipper and Mabel, but Bill puts them in a cage.

Bill: (Opens eye) Not so fast. You two wait here! (Turns red and grows six arms) I've got some children I need to make into corpses. (Deep voice:) Seeya real soon. (Runs off)

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