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On the wall of a house inside, photos of dipper and Mabel are shown growing up. It slowly involves into an older dipper and Mabel then an older you and dipper getting married. Another photo on the wall shows two kids who look like you and dipper, one has your hair and one has dipper's hair color. A door bell is heard with a rang as poof of (h/c) hair runs to the door screaming out loud in the house.


A kid with the hair color of dipper runs after their older sibling as they scream with delight.


The scene changes to an older Mabel at the age of 24 as she smiles at her niece and nephew. "Oh my GOSHHH!" She picks up the one who looks like you as he smiles with a derpy smile.

"You even got their smileeee!" Mable squeals with excitement as she boops the two siblings.

"Mabel?" A voice called from the kitchen as you had your head out. "Is that you! My BESTIEE!" You yell out excitedly

"BESTIEEE!" Mabel yells back putting the kid down and running to you as she hugs you.

You hug each other back while jumping as if you two were kids again. You two stop hugging as Mabel laughs and noogie your head.

"OI! Stop it mab, AHHAHA!" You laugh pointing a finger as she levitates.

"No fair! You're using your powers again!" She pouts crossing her arms. But her pout stops as she chuckles.

Your kids seemed happy to see this as they jump towards you asking for you to lift them up instead of aunt Mabel as they seemed excited. You put Mabel down with a nod as your raised two of your arms and lifted them up in the air as giggles and laughter filled the home air.

They were coated in the blue aura of your magic. Your eyes soften at how their giggles made you happy...you finally have your own family....

You smiled happily to see your two kids be happy.

"(Mama/papa)! When will we get powers like you?" Your daughter said smiling. She's  9  looking like her father.

"Yeah! I wanna be cool like you!" Your oldest son says while smiling excitedly. He's 11, and he looks just like you.

You shrugged as they floated in the air by you still. "I don't know, but I just know it's gonna be cool like me.." you dropped them gently to the floor as they hug you.

As Mabel smiles at you hanging out with your kids, a hand touches her shoulder making her turn around to see her twin brother.

Dipper smiles at his sister and hugs her and she hugs him back. Crying a bit. As much as they promised to watch each other grow up, they knew they had to live their own life. So Mabel was emotional to see how her brother had created a family. She had just came back from a flight to Gravity Falls to see her old friends, Grenda and Candy.

"Dadddyy!" The two kids yell out as they ran toward their father. Dipper falls back from the weight of the two kids. Dipper had came out from his office in the house hearing you, Mabel, and the kids talk.

Dipper has his son and daughter in his arms as he smiles as they giggles, they started to lift up as you held your hand out snickering. "Kids, be careful with your father. Okay?"

"Yes (mama/papa)!" They both said as they ran upstairs knowing you three needed to talk.

"So Mabel, how's Stan and ford? Grenda and Candy. Hell even Wendy.." you asked sitting down by dipper who puts his arm around your waist

Mabel smiles happily to open up her mouth about the people in town. 

"Stan and ford are still getting along. Great, Soos is managing  the mystery shack very well! He's trying his best. Grenda had such a glow up on her self! So did candy! They look the same but only with a twist. Wendy is amazing! She cut her hair guys! It's so pretty I even have a photo!" She exclaims as she shows you and dipper a photo of Wendy with short hair now.

"Wooahhhh" you and dipper both said smiling.

"She's look less stress then usual..I'm glad she is doing good." You say smiling.

"It's nice to see out Grunkles still kicking it." Dipper chuckles a bit

"Yeah! That's a relief." Mabel says wiping imaginary sweat off her forehead.

"It really is. I'm glad they are healthy and alive. So with our friends." You smile softly putting your head on dipper as Mabel squeals

"Awww my best friend and brother are married and have a family." She says smiling taking a picture as dipper blushes embarrassed. You laughed at dippers embarrassment as he tries to grab the phone from Mabel only for her to run away.

It hits you hard as this reminds you back in gravity falls....man those were the times...

Mabel and Dipper stop fooling around seeing your soft look as they smile and hug you between them like they always do.....

You felt loved...so loved you starts to cried...

Dipper panicked as Mabel had a soften look. They hugged your tighter as your kids hug you feeling your emotions....

You felt loved in this own little family you have, you would kill to live with your family like this and for them.....

This is your family now.


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