The Last Mabelcorn

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Scene opens with the Mystery Shack at night.

⭐️Cut to Dipper sleeping with you in his arms, then Mabel Pines, who is sleeping with her stuffed unicorn on top of her. ⭐️

She squeezes it.
Recording: Princess Lovacorn says:
Princess Lovacorn: Buy my 42 accessories!

⭐️Cut to Ford Pines sleeping on the couch. Cut to Ford's dream, where he appears in a field of wheat with a ruined swingset, universe portal, and the Stanowar around him.‼️

Ford looks around as the wheat is flattened around him into the image of Bill Cipher, glowing blue. Ford hears Bill's maniacal laughter.

Ford: I know that laugh... Show yourself! (Turns around as Bill Cipher materializes from the ground, floating in the air)

Bill: Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well! (Cuts to multiple copies of Bill materializing as he talks, forming a ring around Ford) Aren't you a sight for sore eye! (All of the Bills mirror each other's movements) Stanford Filbrick Pines, my old pal!

Ford: Bill Cipher. What do you want from me?

Bill Oh, quit playing dumb, IQ! (Another Bill talks:) You knew I'd be back! (The Bill that's talking flicks Ford's nose) You think shutting down that portal and keeping my child from me could stop what I have planned?

All the Bills merge into one giant Bill that floats over Ford

Bill: I've been making deals, chatting with old friends, preparing for the big day! You can't keep that rift safe forever. (Snaps his fingers and a copy of the dimensional rift appears in his hand) You'll slip up, and when you do...! (Throws the rift onto the ground, where it creates a massive portal in the shape of an upside-down triangle, burning the wheat field around Ford)

Ford: Get out of here! You have no dominion in our world!

Bill: Maybe not right now, but things change, Stanford Pines! (Ford is reflected in Bill's eye as Bill ascends up into the portal) Things... (Monster voice:) change.

Bill laughs as he flies away, leaving Ford in the middle of the burning wheat field in the ring of fire. Several images flash by at once, one of Ford's hand, one of Ford's eye, and another of what looks like an extended version of the Zodiac.

Ford wakes up in his bed, panting. He adjusts his glasses.

Ford: I have to warn them! (Looks at his hand) He's coming.

⭐️Cut to a shot of the exterior of the Mystery Shack in the daytime.⭐️

‼️Cut to Dipper and you  opening a closet door and Mabel rubbing her hands excitedly.‼️

The three look at the closet, which contains some stray items and board games.

Dipper: (Looks around the closet) Alright, Grunkle Stan's gotta have some decent board games.

Mabel: Let's see, "Battlechutes & Ladderships,"

You: "Necronomiconopoly," "Don't Wake Stalin"...

Dipper: Picks up a game) Hey, what's this? "What Could Go Wrong?: The Board Game. The last players who opened this box never made it out alive."

Mabel: (After a short pause) Well, I guess I know what we're doing today.

Dipper: (Talking over Mabel:) This should take up the next 21 minutes.
You shrugged with smile

Ford: (downstairs) Family meeting! Family meeting!

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