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In the hospital, Feng Xin is pacing back and forth. He is worried about Mu Qing. The doctors are debating on whether or not he'll survive. After hours of pacing he sat down, bringing his hands up to his face. Feng Xin began to cry a little. He was very worried that he wouldn't survive..Soon after, the doctors came into the room and said to him, "He wants to see you." Feng Xin sprung up and ran to the hospital room. "MU QING!" he shouted as Mu Qing sat up from the bed. "Hi." Mu Qing said to him. Feng Xin could see his arm and leg were in a cast. Poor Mu Qing. "A-are you okay?!?!" Feng Xin said, seeming sad. "..yeah I think so.." he said back. All of a sudden Mu Qing felt a soft touch on his lips. he blushed as he saw that Feng Xin was kissing him, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"I love you so much, Mu Qing." he said, tears flowing down his face.

"I love you too."

After Mu Qing had gotten out of the hospital, he had to wear crutches for his leg. Feng Xin helped him walk to his room. (Feng xins room) He opened the door and brought Mu Qing to the bed to lay him down. Being cautious, he slowly put Mu Qing on the bed, making sure to not hurt him. He grunted. "Are you okay?" Feng Xin asked. "Yeah I just hurts a little." Mu Qing said as he looked at his arm. Suddenly, Feng Xin planted a soft kiss on his arm cast to make him feel better. Mu Qing blushed. "Idiot.." he said.

"I'm your idiot." Feng Xin said to Mu Qing to make him blush more. He loved seeing him like this, not him being in pain but because he loved making him blush and feel happy when he's sad. "Tch.." "What's wrong now?" "Your face." Mu Qing chuckled as he said that. Feng Xin felt slightly embarrassed at that comment. What face was he making? He blushed. "Hah, who's blushing now?" Mu Qing said, feeling proud. He soon shut up as he felt Feng Xin kiss him again. On his lips.

"S-stop kissing me.." Mu Qing said, feeling embarrassed now. When he said that, Feng Xin continued to kiss him but harder. Mu Qing pulled away. "We're not gonna do this while I'm in this condition.." "I know, I'm just letting you know that I love you!" Mu Qing blushed even harder at that. "S-stop.."

At night, the two were starting to fall asleep next to each other, of course Feng Xin wasn't gonna do any funny business while the other was in bad shape. Who does that? The two fell asleep peacefully while they hugged each other with a soft grasp. Mu Qing really loved Feng Xin, and Feng Xin really loved Mu Qing. What a perfect duo. Although they may have slight fights (not really. looking at that one fight scene from season 2💀) they still hold the other close to them. Feng Xin doesn't wanna lose him.

In the morning, the two woke up, yawning. "Good morning hhh" Mu Qing said as he stretched. The pain suddenly started again. He whimpered as he felt it in his arm. Feng Xin said in a worried tone, "Do you wanna take a bath to ease the pain, Mu Qing?" He answered with a slow nod. Feng Xin started to run the bath and brought Mu Qing with him. He picked him up and put him in the bath. Mu Qing took his clothes off before he got in the bath btw. Who would bathe with clothes on? Feng Xin took off his cast and set it aside. "Do you wanna try and move it around?" Mu Qing said yes as he started to try. It was slowly moving, but it's progress. Feng Xin started to massage his arm to soothe the pain he was feeling. Mu Qing laid back at that. Feeling calm. Feng Xin placed a soft kiss on his arm and continued to massage it. After a while, Feng Xin lifted him out of the bath and started to dry him off. After putting his clothes on, he picked him up once again and brought him to the bed. "I want you to sleep today, okay, love?" Mu Qing blushed at the fact that he called him "love" but he nodded and laid down. He was feeling weak but that's what Feng Xin is here for. "Have a good rest, Dear."

Word count: 774

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