Are you in or are you out?

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Location: Vast of Space

Rachel Avery Raccoon's POV: A few minutes later...

From there, I pressed my paws onto the window, watching planet Earth gradually turn smaller until it was far from my reach. My brows furrowed in anger as I turned back to the team and shouted, "Hey! My stuff is down there!" "Well, sorry, but we aren't going back," Peter said, patting my shoulder to calm me down, which failed: "Plus, you don't have anyone there to wait for you." "Tch, that's what you think." I huffed and crossed my arms, glaring out the window at the distant blue and green planet below. 

'How could they leave without my belongings? My favorite music, my collection of books I've sneaked into the library, and my garden.' My heart sank as I realized I may never see them again. As I watched the stars twinkle in the vast darkness of space, a sense of homesickness washed over me: 'I missed the familiar sights and sounds of my home planet. And more importantly, how am I going to be able to get back to earth and continue my search for Chrissy?... Damn it...' 

I thought, threatening the tears to fall, but then I began to look away from everyone's stares as they all stayed quiet until a loud cough was heard from Peter, who said, "But, maybe~ you could become part of the team." I was about to protest, but he stopped me: "Hear me out! At least for now, and IF, it's a big IF. If you don't like the adventures, we can take you back, and if you like it, you're welcome to the Guardians of the Galaxy. Don't you want to find out what you're made of?"

I briefly stared at Quill's fleshy hand in question on whether or not to say yes or no to his offer when I heard Rocket grunt: "Seriously, Quill? That's the stupidest speech I've ever heard!" 

"Hey, it isn't! Let Rachel decide." He whisper-yell at him before I hesitantly accepted the offer: 

"No more negotiations," I declared, raising my arms in a sign of firmness, and shook his hand with my metallic paw. Then, I pulled him close to listen carefully to what I had to say, "You have six months to make me believe in this 'hero stuff or whatever.' If you fail, keep your promise and take me back to Earth. Do I make myself clear?" 

Peter gulped and nodded, "Y-Yep! Crystal clear." "Good. Now, I need to retrieve my belongings." I turn away only to discover in surprise and horror what Groot began to respond, "I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. (Don't worry, Rachel. While you and Rocket were busy fixing the ship, I noticed that Rocket didn't want you to stay there, so I took the liberty of carrying all of your stuff into Rocket's room.)."

I widened my orange eyes in disbelief, 'Wasn't expecting that, wtf!' As Rocket reacted like I did, "You went through her stuff and brought them onto this ship? IN MY FRICKING ROOM?!?" Groot smiled in response, which also made Rocket pissed even further that I had to cool him down from hurting his friend, "Hey, hey, chill. It's okay. Groot didn't mean to upset you, but..."

"You siding with him now?" 

"Yes, she is, Rocket." Peter explains, "She was trying to help you calm down, and besides, it's punishment for not telling about how the fighting against a plant monster on Earth did to ruin the ship. You got no choice now since you never had roommates other than Groot before joining the team; it's time for you to enjoy life with a roommate whether you like it or not." 

Rocket grumbled and pointed at me: "Fine, she stays, but she's responsible for cleaning up after that big tree. And her stuff better not be all over my room!" "Dude, I'm standing across from you." I said, irritated by his attitude, "Just don't touch anything in my room, got it?" I rolled my eyes and nodded at his request, relieved I had my belongings. 

We're Pros; it's our Job! (DISNEY XD fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora