Blue Lions Justice and revenge

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The last thing Sasuke expected was to be sent on a mission to put down a rebellion when he first set foot in Garreg Mach. It would be a few days before they would reach their destination, plenty of time for Sasuke to learn about the history of this Lonato. This was the first time he had left the monastery; he never thought he would visit any region of Faerghus so soon. On the road, Sasuke couldn't help but notice just how beautiful the landscape was. If they weren't on a mission, he would love to take a look at the scenery. Mercedes noticed what he was thinking.

"It's a shame we're going on a mission. It's so beautiful here, especially in this Forest. Faerghus is a beautiful country if only you could see it Sasuke Kun" he believed it seeing how beautiful this part of the the continent looked and they weren't even in Fearghus there was nothing back home that compared to this place it was soothing peaceful unlike the constant tension and threats of War. It almost felt like he was on a different planet.

" under different circumstances I'd like to visit your home in Fearghus" Sasuke didn't know what was happening with him ever since he met his friends in the Blue Lions; he felt like he had become soft. What was happening to his goal of revenge against his brother? Was he becoming weaker? He was troubled by what was happening to him, then he looked at Ashe, who was silent the whole time, something about this mission was unsettling him.

"I don't like this," said Sasuke out loud.

"I know what you mean," said Dimitri, who didn't like doing this any more than everyone else. Sasuke felt like he was completely in the dark; he wanted to know more.

"It's just what are we doing? Why is there a rebellion in the first place, and who is Lonato?" He had so many questions.

"When we have the chance, I'll explain the best I can," said Dimitri he rode ahead. Sasuke couldn't help but notice something dark in his eyes.

"So you notice it too," said Neji. He knew Hyuga were very observant and could see through people.

"Know something I don't?" Sasuke challenged, not really having patience for his games.

"Figure it out yourself; it's pretty obvious after all, aren't you the Uchiha prodigy?" he said mockingly as he wrote ahead alongside Tenten.

"What an ass." said Sylvain, showing his clear dislike for Neji. He found it strange that Neji wasn't in the Black Eagles with Hinata, considering he was essentially her retainer, yet they were in different houses. It didn't matter to him one way or the other, but he still found it interesting to know about the Hyuga traditions.

"He was the prodigy of the previous year where I'm from." Sasuke explained to them about the way things worked in Konoha about the best students of each year.

"So he's considered a genius like you? Great. What an asshole! I already don't like him and I only spoke to him once." Sylvain didn't mince words on how he felt.

"I recall you thought the same thing about Sasuke when you first met him." remarked Annette.

"The difference is Sasuke knows how to take a damn chill pill and besides you and Felix made him soften up along with Mercedes." he said as he winked.

"Which begs the question Sasuke, how are you two anyway, is she your girlfriend or what?"Sylvain teased.

This caused both Sasuke and Mercedes to blush red as tomatoes.

Sasuke got annoyed and rode ahead with Mercedes to hide their embarrassment.

Annette smiled at the two she thought it was cute and Felix knew that look that she had on her face.

"Oh, don't do that, Annette! I know what you're going to say." said Felix, not wanting to hear it.

Sylvain' rolled his eyes.

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