golden deer the Land of Waves

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If there's one thing Naruto hated more than anything was being on boats. It was tedious considered how long it took. It felt slower than moving on land at least to him and he felt like he wanted to puke his guts out. The golden deer class were on a ship that the church provided for them; they hired a sailor to take them to their destination. It sucked they were on their second day of a 7 Day journey. He hated it, he felt sick, he wanted to puke every moment the boat rocked, he felt like he wanted to throw up.

"I take it boats aren't your thing?"asked Claude."I hate"he put his hand on his mouth as of trying to stop himself from throwing up."damn I never thought you had a bad case of motion sickness"Claude said feeling bad for him he leaned at the edge of the boat it was a large ship in particular it was enough for 50 people to fit he lean towards the right side."I hate this,"Naruto said, complaining. "Could be worse,"said Claude."This is pathetic I mean seriously motion sickness?"Kyubi said in a not so mocking tone."I  do not want to do this on the way back"he threw up whatever he ate it was at the side of the boat into the ocean."damn"said Raphael"are you okay?"Said Hilda with concern

"I have not been able to have a full meal in days because of this I'll" he didn't get a chance to finish, he puked again."Are you sure it's not motion sickness or some bad food you ate?"asked Kakashi, concerned. Kakashi put his hand on Naruto's forehead, he did a check up."Food poisoning well you're going to be in your quarters until you're well enough to move here I'll give you some food that your body won't reject"he gave him some pills Naruto took them and drunk a glass of water and laid down.

"You're assigning me to take care of Naruto?"asked Dorothea, not happy with the prospect of being in the same room as him."yes unlike the others here you do have some healing magic though not as good as Marianne you could help Naruto relieve some of the words of his symptoms so he could recover faster."Kakashi didn't leave her any room to refuse."I'll do as you ask professor"Dorothea said not wanting to argue.

She was given the food that Naruto should be eating. He would not like this food she knows but there was nothing that can be done. Naruto he was lying down on his back he looked miserable. She put the tray on his bed Naruto looked at her wondering why she was here?"is there any reason why you're here?"Naruto asked her curious on why she was here."believe me I wouldn't be here by choice, professor Kakashi assigned me to help you until you are able to get out of bed"it was hard to tell what Naruto was thinking. "Well I appreciate it, this could give us a chance to get to know each other better. We do have a lot of time after all and nothing but time."Naruto said with his trademark grin even if it was hard for him to smile due to him being sick. 

"Don't count on that, I'm only doing this because Hinaa would be sad if something happened to you"Naruto can't help but pick up that she called Hinata by a nickname."I just want to know why you hate me?"he asked Dorothea replied sharply and bluntly,"because I think you're a two-timing asshole who's playing with Hinata and Ingrid's hearts,"Rather than get defensive, Naruto remains calm."it ain't that simple they're both important to me I can't bring myself to break their hearts"she didn't want to hear it sounded like another excuse of not willing to commit.

"You ignored Hinata for months no scratch that you ignored her for years and now you take interest in her? Ingrid she had been through a lot she had lost her fiance and you playing with her heart that pisses me off. I've seen men like you where I grew up"just being in the same presence as him just made her angry."I am an asshole,"Naruto agreed."I don't deserve Hinata. She's a wonderful woman, she's kind and she's beautiful. I don't know where I would be without her. When I'm at my lowest point she lifts me up. When I see her smile I feel at ease. I didn't ignore her. I was scared. I was scared that I wasn't worthy of her that I didn't deserve her that there were better options out there than me."

The Black Lion , the Golden fox and the Blue RavenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora