getting acquainted

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The first day of the new school year has begun. Students from Konoha 12(three of which will not be at the monastery for a few months due to the missing their boat) have settled and chosen their respective classes. All of Team 8 chose the Black Eagles. All of Team 10 chose the Golden Deer. The team known as Team Guy in Konoha all chose the Blue Lions. Team 7 did something unusual, and only one member of its members chose a different class. There are other Konoha students who chose different classes, but the ones that are the most well-known are what's paid attention to. At the same time, students from their respective classes meet each other for the first time.

Blue Lion's classroom

Sasuke wasn't used to wearing the uniform required of academy students. It was uncomfortable. He felt stiff; he didn't know how any of the students managed to move around and fight in these things. But all the students are required to wear them, including the transfer students. He was the first one in the classroom, surprised that he arrived first. He also heard one of the Sensei from Konoha is going to teach one of the classes.

He felt a temporary sign of relief that Sakura wasn't here; he would have peace for the moment from the banshee. He saw his other classmates from Konoha. Sakura still wasn't here he wondered what the students of the Blue Lions were like other than Dimitri he heard about Ingrid when he talked to Felix after he chose his class; she was trained and had a goal of being a knight. He was curious about her. He would like to spar with her the Blue Lions in general seem to be students that take their studies extremely seriously. One by one he saw students enter. He saw his fellow classmates. He saw a boy with silver hair who he assumes is named Ashe.

"I've heard much about you. Nice to meet you, Sasuke. My name is Ashe and I hope we can be friends." The boys said politely. Sasuke had nothing against him. He responded in the most polite way possible. "I'm not really here to make friends." Sasuke said. He looked disappointed but smiled. He wondered why he was doing that. Then he saw Annette who said hello to him. He saw Felix who gave him that grin. "So you've chosen the Boar. I wonder if you're just like him." Sasuke took that as a challenge. "We'll have to see when I get a chance to spar with him." Sasuke remarked. "Wow! I've heard from various people from Konoha that he has a chip on his shoulder but I didn't expect this. I don't understand why the ladies find him so attractive." A red-haired boy named Sylvain said. "Whatever," Sasuke replied. He didn't know or care. He didn't catch his eye like Felix or Dimitri; he didn't think he would make a good sparring partner.

"Sylvain, why do you have to make everything about girls? Sheesh!" A blonde-haired girl named Ingrid he saw Naruto talking to her. She looked like someone he'd be interested in sparring with. "I saw you talking to Naruto yesterday; you seemed interesting, Ingrid."

Sasuke couldn't help but notice how she carried herself; she was someone who could and would knock you down if you underestimated her. The best thing about Ingrid is the blonde-haired girl had no interest in him at all.

"Yeah, I talked to Naruto. Do you know him?"

Ingrid asked Sasuke.

"Yeah, I know him. I've known him since we were at the Academy back home."

Sasuke answered.

"I'm disappointed he isn't here, I think he she turned red with embarrassment."

Sasuke couldn't help but notice that she developed a crush on him. Great! Naruto had just arrived, and he already had an admirer. He probably would be clueless like he is with Hinata." I'm glad that loser isn't here." Sasuke said, not caring how it came out. He didn't hate Naruto; it was just their dynamic.

"That's an interesting thing to call your friend"a brown-skinned man named Dedue who had silver hair. "So I hear you're the right-hand man of Dimitri, isn't that right, Dedue-san?"Sasuke asked respectfully. "Your highness speaks very highly of you; don't abuse his trust."The way he said it was a warning; he takes his duties very seriously. Whatever he went through in the past, Sasuke is certain something happened that caused such a man to be loyal to Dimitri.

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