Transfer students

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Naruto couldn't believe his luck when he was chosen for the program to be a student in a foreign land. It was an opportunity of a lifetime, an opportunity to get even more training and education. It would help him in his goal. He looked at the Kage monument, which he had seen almost every day for the past 17 years. He wouldn't be seeing it again for a year. It felt strange to leave home for longer than a few weeks on a mission.

Learning the language from Fódlan was a challenge, but it was required for all who graduated from the academy in order to be screened for candidacy. He was surprised that he was allowed to even come, due to his grades. The idea was exciting and scary: an unknown place with unknown people in an unknown culture. What kind of people would he meet?

One thing that he was nervous about the most was what he had to go a whole year without seeing Hinata? Oh, when he thinks of her, he feels depressed. She's so out of his league. She was everything he ever wanted in a woman: cute, beautiful, kind, and polite, even to her worst enemies.

She was like an angel to him. She was perfect, but everyone thought it was Sakura, which made him want to punch himself forever, faking that he ever had a crush on her. The truth be told, he couldn't stand her, but he wasn't going to reveal that he had to keep up the facade at least until he actually had a girlfriend, hopefully, Hinata would be that person.

Before he left for a year, he wanted to have his favorite food one last time. He didn't have much money left, but he wouldn't need it where he was going anyway. He went to his favorite Ramen shop, Ichiran, and the man and his daughter were happy to see him.

"Naruto my boy, I've heard you're going to leave us for a year. It's a shame; my favorite customer, I'm going to miss you." Teuchi said, sad to see Naruto go. He was one of the few people who was kind to him and didn't treat him horribly like most of the village did. When Naruto thought about it, he was probably the closest person he had to a father, but he wouldn't tell him that; it would make things awkward.

"Naruto, I'm glad I get to see you before you leave," said Ayame, sad to see him go.

"I'm going to miss this place. I'm not going to lie. The food here brings a smile to my face every time I come here."

Naruto said generally, meaning it.

"Tell you what, I'll let you have Ramen. Whatever you want, it's on the house." Teuchi said with his kind smile, which he had known since he was 6 years old.

"I don't know Teuchi. I'm willing to give you all I have. It wouldn't feel right." The old man gave Naruto back his money.

"It's fine. I won't be seeing you for a year, and I can't let my favorite customer leave with a look of sadness. Can I?" he said with a smile as he went to work.

Naruto looked at Hinata, who passed by him, with her team. He wanted to ask her if she wanted to eat with him, but he lacked the courage to even approach her.

"You know you could just ask her, you know." said Ayame.

"I wish you were that easy. I mean, how can I possibly have a chance? I'm a nobody, and she's." He couldn't finish. Ayame made him face her.

"Naruto, you may fool everyone else, but you don't fool me. You've had a crush on her for a very long time. Whatever your feelings towards her, let's just call her the Banshee. I know it's fake. Naruto, you're never going to get her to talk to you or see you if you're not willing to take the first step." She said with some annoyance in her tone.

"Someone as good and pure as her shouldn't be associated with me." Naruto said insecurely.

"No, scratch that. You're a hopeless love-sick boy. He won't approach the object of his affection. Naruto, listen to me. When you leave this place, nobody in her clan will be watching or will be able to get in your way. Don't waste this chance. She's a good girl. I know she is. There isn't a mean bone in her body. She isn't anything like Sakura." Ayame tried to encourage him.

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