"Yea, I walked around the entire house but no one was here so I came straight here" I mentions and she stops to stare at me.

"Perhaps it was him?" She asked curiously.

Somehow I knew who she was talking about. God.

"Why would he watch me?" I asked.

She shrugged. "He watches over all of us" she comments before heading in a different direction through the town, weaving between small streets between buildings.

Her thought creeped me out a little but I pushed it away.

Finally we reached a house that was two stories tall with a very bland looking exterior. I didn't like it.

Marbella however ignored the exterior and walked up to the door, letting herself in without a thought.

Confused, lost and bored out of my mind I followed after her with nothing left to do.

When I entered the home I found it looked almost like mine but the kitchen and the living room were switched. The kitchen now to our right and the living room was down the hall infront of us.

Marbella called out for someone that I didn't catch the name of, but it became apparent who it was when a little ball of energy, also known as Abby, came bounding down the stairs.

Marbella smiled as Abby laughed, hugging her mother's waist that was the same level as her head.

Abby was very small for a ten year old but don't get wrong she's definitely smarter than her age.

After Abby hugged her mom she looked at me with a curious look.

"You're the lady that was with Tony!" Abby said excitedly before she came over and hugged me tightly. Startled it took me a second to react and hug the little girl back.

I look up at Marbella to mouth 'who?', referring to the person she named Tony.

"God" Marbella said and I nodded slightly confused.

She calls him Tony?

I glanced back at Marbella in another question but she only shrugged, as if saying 'I have no idea either'

Forgotten about the exchange I pulled away from Abby, she pouted before grinning.

"You're so pretty! Like mama!" She shouted excitedly, which prompted me and Marbella to smile but a loud shout from upstairs interrupted us.

"Abby who in the world are you talking to?" A man's voice comes as a long ginger bearded man with a shaved head came into view.

I later learned his name was Dave, also known as Marbella's ex husband.

"Daddy this is -" Abby turned to me. "What your name?" She asked politely and I smiled softly to her. "Aubrey" she nodded with the new information before turning to the man again. "Daddy this is my new friend Aubrey!" Abby introduced us as the man, Abby's father I guessed shook my hand politely.

"Pleasure to me you Aubrey, my names Dave. You must be new?" Dave wondered and I nodded in reply.

"Yes I got here yesterday afternoon" I replied as he nodded.

"I apologize on how you passed" a moment of silence passed before Abby broke it.

"Ari can you pick flowers with me in the field?" Abby suddenly asked and all the adults in the room looked at the girl in curiosity to know who she was talking to.

"Ari?" I prompted with a confused look.

Who was she speaking too?

Abby giggled and nodded at me. "You're pretty, like Ariel! Ariel is my favorite princess!" She declared as Marbella awed and Dave smiled.

I felt joy bubble in my chest.

"Well you have to ask your parents first" I hinted and Abby quickly spun around to ask her mom.

"Mama please, please, please, please, can we go pick some flowers a in the feild!" Abby begged her mother as she rolled her eyes at her daughter.

I smiled at the exchange.

"Yes, but remember stay with Aubrey and never go past the gate. Do you understand?"

Abby nodded.

I looked at Marbella in confusion. "The gates?" I asked and she nodded sternly.

"The entrance to heaven is also the exit. No one is allowed to leave though as outside is the territory of-" she glanced at her daughter in hesitation-"of H.E.L.L" she spelt out and I made a sound of acknowledgement.

Why can't we go outside the gates? Is it really that dangerous?

I imagined that hell is very dangerous much for a child like Abby so I guess it makes sense.

"Ok ok we have to go! Come on Ari!" Abby shouted again and tugged me out the door with a surprising amount of strength.

She's always shouting.

I heard laughter from inside the house as Abby pulled me through the town.

"Abby please slow down" I begged as I tripped after her.

Being a grown woman stumbling and getting dragged along by a ten year old is an embarrassing thing.

"Sorry Ari but I'm so excited to show you the field!" Abby apologized as I smiled.

"It's ok and you know what?" I asked as we made it to the outskirts of the town, now having the field infront of us separated by a small broken down fence that didn't work well with keeping things in order out.

"I'll race you to the flowers?" I said as her eyes brightened.

"I'm so gonna win! You don't even know where they are at!" She said with an evil smile as I laughed.

"I can still beat you there shorty" I teased as she pouted.


"Read, set go" she screamed out quickly before taking off into the lush grass. I leaped after her, my speed limited with my slippers on since I didn't want them to fly off.

"Abby come on slow down!" I shouted to her back and heard her contagious giggles of joy. I laughed as I began to catch her up to her, right on her heels before a sight to my right caught my eyes.

I stopped dead in my tracks, Abby quickly gaining distance away from me but no matter how hard I tried I could not look away.

A tree, a large Aspen tree stood tall and proud in the center of the field with small flowers of different colors scattered around it. It was the same tree I lied under.

I couldn't help myself. So with a glance to where Abby went to make sure she was still in seeing distance I made my way the yard to the tree.

It felt like a pull.

A magnet to me, And I didn't resist.

But as I came to a stop in-front of the tree I realized it wasn't the tree that made me go to it, but the gate that was just a few yards behind it.

But as I came to a stop in-front of the tree I realized it wasn't the tree that made me go to it, but the gate that was just a few yards behind it

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