Training Day One

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Walking into the training area the group of five, see the other tributes all spread out throughout the area hardly doing anything only a small few where actually doing anything at all. "Well isn't this a sight to see" Felix mumbles to the small group he's with, even earning a small laugh from his sister. He reaches he's hand for her shoulder to rub it softly to make sure she drops it before she loses it, noticing the movement between the siblings the three district 4 tributes looked between them with confused glances other than Mags who held a smile.

After a couple seconds her laughter dies down and she makes her way over to the sword station due to the district 1 siblings being at the knife throwing station. "Did they take your spot, Princess?" a voice says behind her making her turn around to see the tall, sea-green eyed boy from District 4... Finnick. "Well yes, but it's not exactly my station... it's just what my main specialty is. But it's a good thing that I was taught how to wield a sword by my father and brother" Lena said looking at the younger man.

Finnick nods at her but his eyes are scanning over her scars and admiring the light freckles across her face that no one could see unless they were really looking at her. "Um hello, earth to Odair" Lena said waving her hand in front of his face, "Oh sorry" Finnick says blinking his eyes a couple times to regain focuses on the older woman in front of him.

After a while Finnick had convinced Velena to let him teach her a few tactics with a trident, as Finnick wraps his arms around Lena's waist to help lead her body in the proper way to not hurt herself if she ever needed to use a trident. "You know this could be considered kind of hot if you weren't a blond" she let out a soft laugh after her statement, this made Finnick stop in his tracts, but he never removed his arms, his face burning but he quickly shakes it off and continues to help the older woman in his arms.

~ Felix POV ~

As I swing my sword at the manikin, I notice a certain red head standing off to the side watching me train... Annie. Stopping panting and heaving from the sudden hard training after not having to use my sword skills in over a decade, I put my sword down and walk over to Annie, "Hello Annie" I say with a smile looking down at her from our height difference. "Hello Felix" she says sweetly "What can I do for you?" I ask wiping my sweat away with a towel I picked up on the way over "Oh no, I don't need anything. I was simply just watching you train because I've already worked on the survival skill sections" she stated "You're not going to use a weapon... oh no never mind I forgot, you don't use them" I said in a quiet tone, but all she does is smile up at me, reassuring me that it was alright and that I didn't offend or trigger her.

"Would you perhaps like me to teach you with a small knife so you would at least have something to keep you safe if you need to?" I asked but I put my hand on her upper arm. "Well, they will probably put a spear inside for me, but I think the knife would be better and more tactical, and less likely to trigger me" she murmured softly with a small nod, and so with that I lead her to the knife table to let her pick a knife she would like to wield. So, as she decides my eyes glance across the large room, and they land on two figures at the trident and spear training section... Finnick and Velena. He has his arms wrapped around her waist and showing her ways to swing the large weapon, I also witness them both laughing and talking together. Seeing that, it puts a smile on my face watching my sister be so comfortable around the younger man.

"Um what about this one?" Annie's voice brings me back and I glance at the knife she's holding, "Does it feel alright in your hand? Not too heavy and not too light?" I ask her and she nods with a smile. So, with the knife picked out I take her to the manikin for the knife station.

~ Velena POV~

"Thanks for that Finnick, I really appreciate it" I said watching him put the trident back in its holder, "No problem, really I'm more than happy to help" he replied with a smile walking back to me, "The last time someone helped me, I didn't get to know them for long... but um I'll um I'll never forget them" I mentioned softly and I noticed he just looked at me softly "Would that person be Clay Cresta" he asked lowly, I couldn't find the words to respond to him so all I did was nod and put my head down.

He placed his hands on my upper arms and looked at me "He taught me basically everything I know about tridents" he paused before continuing "I'm that boy he was talking about when you two were talking" he finished, and I didn't know what to do so I practically launched myself forward and hugged him tight murmuring "I'm sorry" over and over again before I pulled away to check the time and realised that training was nearly over but before I could take me leave I noticed people where moving over to the archery station room... Katniss Everdeen

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