Let The Training Begin

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Exiting the elevator, I can see that all the tributes are wearing the same outfit that Elion and I are wearing but we all have our district number on the sleaves of the long sleeve shirt and on the chest part of the shirt over their hearts... just like myself and Elion. We start to head towards the rest of the tributes and an instructor came to speak with all of us.

"In just under a week you all will be headed inside the arena, 23 of you will be dead and 1 of you will be crowned as the victor of the 63rd Hunger Games" he says as he walks back and forth looking at all of us before he starts to speak again "Will are not to fight with any of the other tributes as you will have time for that when you get inside the arena" he finishes off and walks away as a small alarm like sound goes off indicating that we are now permitted to start training.

As I walk around, I find the throwing knife area and immediately I'm in my happy place, picking up the belt of throwing knifes I strap it around my waist and walk over to the throwing line and get into position to throw a knife. I take a deep breath before I fling the knife forward and it hits the dead center of the target indicating the chest of it. I do this a couple more times hitting every target with perfect accuracy I turn to put the belt down before I went to get the knifes, but as I turned back to face the targets there is a tall boy standing in front of me with crystal blue eyes and dark brown hair that just about falls into his eyes.

That's when I realised that the boy I'm looking at in indeed Clay Cresta, the boy from district 4. "Hello Velena, I just wanted to give these back to you" he says showing me his hands that has all the knifes I had just been throwing, I look back up at him and I can see my reflection in his eyes by how clear they are and I give him a sweet smile "Thank you Clay, that's really lovely of you to do that for me" I said taking the knifes carefully out of his hands and back into their holders. Once I turn back to face Clay again, that's when I noticed that he was gone and that's when I heard slight giggles from behind making me spin on the heel of my foot and see him behind me with a charming smile...

"Carful darling, wouldn't want to make that mistake in the arena. Might be a good idea to be with someone like me" he says softly into my ear before walking away leaving me a little flustered but confused.


Walking back into the district 5 apartment with Elion behind me, the first person I see is Felix with a massive grin on his face "So I talked with the district 4 mentor Mags today, she's really lovely by the way, and I had managed to get her to have a talk with Clay Cresta and see if he would be interested in forming an alliance with you, Velena" he said it like it was the greatest thing he had ever done in his life. But in reality, the greatest thing he had done was win the 55th Hunger Games... but yet that doesn't seem like it would be such a good thing because as Felix said himself the true games only ever begin after you leave that arena.

Waking up the next day to the sun shining through the open curtain, was an ideal morning for Velena. Some would shay she's weird for it but it's one of her quirks that her and her brother Felix share, they could happily stay in the sun forever if it where up to them. But now is not the time to admire the golden glow that is casted over the room, Velena has to get up and change for the second day of training and hopefully Clay Cresta has accepted the offer to form an alliance with her. It may be a long shot but she's praying he accepts it.


Again, exiting the elevator but this time without Elion due to her leaving so early, per request of Felix. And once she entered the room, she sees very few amounts of people, but one seemed to be waiting for her Clay Cresta, because once he had seen her, he had practically strutted over to her and lean in to whisper in her ear "So if you want to form and alliance let's do it, let's take out all these pathetic excuses for tributes" he says with a smirk that formed on his face quite well. And with a nod of her head, he grabs her hand and leads her to the spear and trident section of the training room, with the intent of teaching her at least some form of combat with the weapons.

With her standing between his arms him using his own hands to move her hands, in a way the shows her how to sway the spear back and forth without hurting herself "You know this would be so much easier is you explained as you did what you're doing" she said with a small laugh. Which made him look at her with a small smile and causing a small giggle to escape his mouth as he nodded. "Your right, that would be a better idea, but I just assumed that me not talking would be okay due to me training a small 12-year-old boy back home with a trident. He seems to like the silence more so he can concentrate on learning the weapon." He states, and with Velena learning the fact that Clay teaches children back in his district how to wield these weapons is somehow comforting for her, reassuring her that he knows what he is doing.

After about an hour Velena had gotten the hang of a spear and a trident but still wasn't confident in using them yet. She turns to look at Clay only to see him already looking at her "Hi?" she questions with a small laugh as the doors open and the rest of the tributes walk into the room which causes her to move away from Clay and to go work on her knife throwing even if she didn't have to and Clay just went back to working on his training, but always sneaking small glances at the older girl across the room. 

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