Chapter two: 11 Years Later

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11 years. 11 years since Velena Bay King became the victor of the 63rd Annual Hunger Games and bringing herself a more trauma and non-peaceful life than she thought.

Now sitting inside the capital, she leans forward and resting her elbows on her knees...

"This can't be possible" Velena whispers to herself, making everyone that was still in the room look at her due to them just hearing her and agreeing with her quite disbelief. Staring at the screen, her eyes wide at seeing the two young teens from 12 who had just won the 74th hunger games.

Leaning over to whisper in her ear "Well, isn't that unfair" the voice belonging to the youngest victor in the room... Finnick Odair. She turns to look at the young man that's seated behind her and leaning over the back of the couch to whisper to her, like he had been doing through the games after both their tributes had died in the first few days. Again, the older girl has noticed it again she attracts the flirts, just. Like. Clay, oh who she missed her friend dearly but yet she can't dwell on it too much or she might just break down in front of all these people. "After all these years, now they let there be two victors. In the past 73 years, there had never been two victors" the girl said getting aggravated over this situation.

Feeling a firm but gentle hand on her shoulder, she looks at it seeing the hand belonged to the young man that seemed to always look perfect. "Calm, it's okay. I'm sure Snow won't be happy about any of this" he says looking her in the eyes seeming to be trying to look for something in them, she sends him a soft smile before placing her hand on top of his and removing it so she can stand and leave the spacious room that the remaining mentors where in. 

Once heading up to her room, she started to pack the little number of things she has brought with her before setting them down in the dining table. But just then she seen a note, as she picked it up, she knew what it was. The note contained an address and a name, she knew what this was about, sighing she left the tribute center and headed to the address. But when she got there, she was quite surprised to see Finnick there as well "Finnick? What are you doing here?" she asked, he turned to look at her worried and surprised. Just then the door flew open, and a man and women appeared and beckoned them inside, the man leading Velena into one room while the women lead Finnick to another. Both turning to look at each other saddened before the doors were closed.

After a while everything was over and the two had left the rooms, they were just in, upon seeing each other they took a moment to just look at each other. Finnick looking at Lena's slightly messed up raven hair and a small glimpse of sweat falling down her forehead and how she seemed to be extremely disgusted and unconfutable... him feeling the same way as her. Lena was looking at his messed up dirty blonde hair and who he could practically swim in his own sweat with the same look of disgusted and unconfutable, she was glade she wasn't the only one feeling those things. Once she snapped out of her gaze on the man, she ran to him wrapping her arms around his torso and he wrapped his loosely around her neck draping his hands down her back "This would be cuter if it wasn't under these circumstances... and if you weren't blonde" she said words and giggles muffled by his chest before he leans down to say "We should get out of here" he said in a quite tone as she nodded before pulling away from him and they left.


It had been two days since Finnick and Velena had seen each other after the encounter. They were now heading to the trains to head back to their districts not wanting to stay around for the party of the two new victors. But before Lena could get on the train she heard a recognisable voice yelling out a nickname only for her from him "Bay Bay" the boy calls practically running at her, his snow like hair having a small bounce at the movement with four peacekeepers trailing behind him keeping guard, when he reaches her he gives her a small hug and with a smile he says "Just remember you got this , your basically the strongest person I know" she looks at him with a confused look and her nose crunching the slightest bit, something he noticed happens naturally when she's confused making the red scare across her face pop up the slightest bit more "What does that mean, Cy Cy?" she asked and before he was being ushered away he says "No need to worry about it just yet, Bay Bay. I'll see you next year" hugging her one last time before leaving.

Once he was completely from her sight, then did she get on the train and it starts to move, heading towards her district, her home.

Lena was sat on the train alone as there was no need for her stylists or her escort Peral and she obviously didn't need a mentor being that she was one. But she has only ever had one victor as her time as a mentor and that's Davian Tide, only 15-years-old when he won the 73rd games. But Felix has had more luck when it came to mentoring tributes having 4 in his time of mentoring but 2 abruptly passing due to unhelped trauma from their games. Leaving only the two girl and 4 boy tributes left in district 5. But when it came to Davian Tide, Lena had mixed feelings about him due to him sharing a name with the women that killed her friend and the very same boy she shared her first kiss with Clay Cresta. 

Finally making it home Lena was greeted by her brother Felix engulfing her in a hug "I seen what happened" he said which she just nodded at and pulling away going to grab a cup of water and some fruit to eat. Before heading to the small library in her house to sit and look out the bay window that overlooked the decently sized river that ran through the district. "I'm heading home now... I'm just across the street if you need me" Felix's voice rang out through the house before the sound of the door closing was heard by the girl and she sees Felix out the corner of her eye down below making his way to his own home.

It's been 11 years, and things feel as if they haven't changed, but in her gut, she can tell that things are just getting started, a fire was starting to catch.

District 5

Velena Bay King
Age: 29

Victor of The 63rd Hunger Games

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Victor of The 63rd Hunger Games

District 5

Felix Hunter King
Age: 37

Victor of The 55th Hunger Games

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Victor of The 55th Hunger Games

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