Victory Tour and Home

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Leaving the capital, Velena was now on her victory tour. Traveling through the districts and giving a speech to each tribute's family and how sorry she was, but now she's sitting on the train heading to district 4 due to her being from district 5 the capital thought the last district will be 4 as she has already had her victor party before she left the capital. Velena sat in the large cart that has a large widow at the end of the train overlooking the land scape, just then Felix entered and sat not far from her. Glancing over to her brother before she looks back out the window she starts to speak "Every time I close my eyes I see him, I see Clay... and every time it hurts" she said softly with tears pooling in her eyes, with Felix moving closer to her to wrap her into a hug he puts his face in her hair "It will be hard for a while, but I promise that things will get better and the nightmares will get fewer after a while" his words mumbled by her hair.

Just then the room went dark because they had entered the station for district 4, making the sibling duo pull apart and start to head to the exit of the train. After getting her speech cards for what to say Lena walks out onto the stage and she looks around slightly at the place she had only ever heard stories about, she looked at the families that stood in front of the images of the fallen tributes. She seen a young girl with red hair Annie, she remembered Felix mentioning the girl back before the games, she stood up there with an older woman, Lena assumed to be her mother.

Taking a deep breath, she looked down at the cards but put them away instead, before she looked up and looked up at Tide's family "I didn't know Tide for very long, but we did speak once. At the time of speaking, she was very happy but also, I could see just a young girl who was just as scared as I was" Lena said looking at the family before turning to the Cresta's "I did know Clay, he wasn't just an ally he was my friend, and I couldn't save him... I'm sorry. He should have been the one standing her not me, and I could never forgive myself. He died saving me when I should have died to save him. I'll forever see him in any body of water around my home, I see him in the rain. I'm sorry" Lena said with tears in her eyes. Before turning to leave, Lena felt all the eyes on her but as she looked around, she seen a young boy with dirty blond hair and sea-green eyes, he couldn't be any older than 13 and he looked to have his parents and a younger girl with him. She nodded her head to him with a soft smile before turning to leave.

Sitting back on the train heading back to her home, she felt a little better about herself knowing she got to say her apologies to the Cresta family. Sitting on the train for the last time, she sat in silence looking out the smaller window in the lounge cart across from Felix, "Lix, do I still look pretty?" she asked having doubts about her own appearance now looking different from her time in the arena, with her collection of scars. Felix turned to look at her with sorrow "Awe Ena, you will always be pretty no matter what you look like. Your scares make you who you are, each one tells a different story... just like my burn marks" he says but saying the small line about his own scares quietly but just enough for her to hear.

She turns to him with a small smile "I guess we're a team now" she says, and he looks up at her and their matching eyes look deep into each other "Always and forever, we won't be apart anymore. I'll always be there for you, and I know you will always be there for me... through thick and thin, we will be an unstoppable duo THE King siblings" he says with a cheeky smile but also a reassuring one mixed into one amazing smile that Velena loves about her brother.

He could always make her feel better just with a smile.


An hour and a half passed by quickly as the two siblings conversed and laughed together. Making their way off the train and to go see Velena's victor house but as they got there, the two see three white vans and a black car. As they both tried to enter the house the peacekeepers only stopped Felix from entering the building "You can't enter sir, the president is only wanting to discuss business with miss. King" on says as two hold the larger boy back, Felix looks eyes with Lena and nods his head and mouthing go knowing that if she kept Snow waiting it could be bad.

So off she went and headed inside the large house office seeing the president himself seated in the chair facing her "Miss. King, what s pleasure to see you again" he said with a smile, but she got straight to the point "What can I do for you Mr. Snow" she said but that made his face straighten "Well take a seat and we'll start this important discussion miss. King" the man in front of her said with a cold look.

The girl takes a seat in the leather chair to her right and looks at the older man. "So what is it we have to discuss" she states instead of questioning him, he then puts a small smile on his face "Well you know, you are a rather desirable young woman, and people would in the capital would pay a great sum of money to have you in their presence, miss. King" he said, as he said that she immediately knew what he wanted, he wanted her to become a prostitute for the capital. She knew what her answer was, and it was a hard no, "With all due respect Mr. Snow, my answer is no" she said and that made him give a mockery frown "Well then I'll just have to kill your parents" he said turning the hologram screen to show two peacekeepers with guns to their heads and then two shots rang out.

Seeing her parents fall tears start to fall from her face. "Now you either agree, or your dear brother is next" he said looking her dead in the eyes, she starts to nod frantically "Yes alright, I'll do it... I'll sell my body" she says nearly sobbing. "Very well then miss. King, pleased to do business with you. Oh, and do keep this to yourself, wouldn't want anything to happen to Felix now" he said standing and leaving the building. After a few moments the sound of cars start to move and disappear and then Felix ran inside the office "LENA" he yelled seeing the girl sobbing on the floor, engulfing her into a hug he starts to sooth her "It's all going to be okay, I promise" he said softly.

Now all she has to do is try and live in peace and sell her body to capital citizens, shouldn't be too hard... right?

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