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Going down a new path, Sanji felt as if he were stepping on shards of glass with every step he would take.

Though he wanted to stop every now and then and take a break, he couldn't take the risk of resting.

If he were to lean against one of the large tree trunks, the man feared he would space out and waste his time.

Time that he could be using to find the rest of his crewmates or Captain.

"OI, LUFFY!! Brooook!! Chopper! Dammit..."

He took his hands out of his pockets, attempting to warm them up when his pockets failed to serve their purpose in doing that job for him.

"They couldn't have gotten far. My poor Nami-San and Robin-Chan, they must be losing their minds looking for me!"

~Meanwhile Robin and Nami~

"Oh, isn't this a bit too harsh, Nami?"


"In that case, shall I do it again?"

"Go all out, and don't forget that little guy in the corner as well. Zeus!!"

Nami extended her clima-tact, expelling a puffy white cloud from within it that stared back at her, waiting for her command.

"Lunch time!"


Munching on a row of miniaturized stormy clouds, Zeus began to expand into a dark cloud, gathering a strong force of lightening.

"Alright, kiddos! Any last words?"

"We... We're s... Sorry...."

Luffy spoke on behalf of him and the rest of the Kung Fu Dugongs, through a swollen face full of bumps and bruises from a beating Nami had previously given him.

"Huh? The hell's all that?"

Zoro asked himself, reacting to the sound of a loud thunderbolt that caused the ground to rattle beneath him, and illuminated the entire forest that he found himself lost inside of.

Paying little to no mind on what was happening from a few miles away, the Swordsman made another wrong turn, assuring himself that he was taking the fastest route back to the Sunny.

Entering a narrow pathway, the trees blocked most of the man's view from seeing anything ahead of him.

"This is a ghost town! Where is everyone? Jeez, not even a single deer."

He thought to himself, cutting down a few trees when they started to get in his way, preventing him from walking forward.

While continuously swinging his sword against the dense trees, the Swordsman managed to chop down a good amount of them.

Before he could eliminate another row, he stopped when he caught a glimpse of a shadow running past him.


His eye widened and followed the silhouette of a man who ran by him, as if he were being chased by someone else.

Looking behind the place that the man had come from, Zoro didn't see anyone running behind him, so he went after the stranger instead.

"Hey you, wait up!"

He called out to him, but the unknown individual didn't plan on slowing down his tracks.

Realizing this, Zoro increased the speed in his own steps, creating a whirl wind that caused the patches of snow to descend from the top of the highest pine trees and collide with the ground.

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