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Being the last to step onto the Island, Sanji stayed behind to smoke one more cigarette before walking alongside the rest of the Straw Hats.

While everyone was walking further ahead of him, Sanji caught up to Franky and Robin who were still nearby.

When he made it to Franky's side, Franky started to cough, inhaling the smell of cigarettes lingering on Sanji's clothing.

"You really should cut back on that addiction of yers, Sanji. You're gonna die at a young age, my dude."

The Cyborg told him, concerned for the younger man's health.

"I'll quit when I die then, no use in me stopping now."

After making such a bold statement, Zoro was able to capture the man's words as he was walking only a few steps ahead of him.

The Swordsman didn't opinionate anything on the matter, he simply continued to stride forward, barely even reacting to the subzero temperatures that other Straw Hats were complaining about.

"O-oiii, N-N-Nami, m-my nose has i-i-icicles dangling f-f-from it, c-can we g-g-go to a w-w-warmer island next!?" The Sniper asked, trembling in his coat.

"I-I did warn you guys that it was going to b-b-be cold... Whew! It's wicked out here!" Nami wrapped her hands around herself, rubbing her arms.

"How can you three not be cold!?" She asked, pointing at Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji.

Upon being pointed at, Luffy looked down at his flip flops, noticing his toes were submerged underneath the fluffy, ice cold snow.

"I-I'D COWDDD, DAABIIII!!" The Captain responded to the Navigator.


His crewmates replied, all but one who was occupied, smoking another cigarette.

Staring over at the Cook from far away as he continued to walk down a dark, snowy trail beside Brook, Nami and Robin started talking behind his back.

"Hey, what's up with Sanji-Kun lately? He's smoking one cigarette after the other."

She asked, frowning in concern.

"Normally he would smoke three or four in a week, but lately he's going through half a box in two days. He seems to have lungs of steel."

Robin commented, equally as worried for Sanji's well-being.

"Is there really no one on this island?"

Sanji questioned, looking every which way, to find that the houses that were nearby, were all locked.

"Maybe they decided to hibernate."

Robin spoke, staring at the many scattered houses, built on high, snowy hills.

"Imagine an avalanche came down on us right now and left us buried underneath the snow?"

"Y-yohoho... Please don't say such scary things right now, Robin-San." Brook said while cautiously looking behind him.

"An avalanche, huh? Heh." Sanji smiled down at the ground, walking ahead.

Luffy's eyes beamed as he noticed a familiar looking animal standing a few inches from where he stood.


The turtle like creature approached Luffy and smiled at it immediately, reminding the young man of where he had seen it in the first place.

"Ohh, it's you!! Hey!!" He smiled, earning Zoro's attention.

"It's the Sea Turtles from Alabasta! Remember?"

Zoro nodded at the boy, staring at the sea turtle that was now snuggling up to Luffy with excitement.

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