•Chapter Two•

Start from the beginning

"Go on! Shoo! Hurry on now, run along! Shoo!" She waved her arms about and shooed the onlookers away. "No need to cause a traffic jam!"

"I think you already caused a traffic jam, miss." A teenage boy wearing khaki shorts, a black top and a baseball cap called out and winked at the old lady. His friends snickered, and one of his friends patted him hard on the back. The old lady turned a violent shade of red, and fumed. She glared dangerously at the boys and raised her stick, and let out a booming roar. The boys all widened their eyes and dashed away, the short elder woman hot on their tails.

Well, that settles that.

I grinned victoriously to myself and turned. My smile drooped.

Of course.

Blackjacks's engine was still ruined. It coughed out smoke and greasy yellow liquid flooded out the front. It shuddered violently and puffed out more smoke. I accidentally inhaled some and burst into a coughing fit. My eyes brimmed with tears, and I immediately backed away. Blinking a few times, I took a long look at it.

I slumped down miserably next to my car and put my head in my hands.

A branch snapped.

I heard leaves crunching, and the sound was getting closer. I slowly looked up, and saw a tall shadow. But then the shadow turned into a dark, muscular figure. The figure stepped out and I saw his face.

I don't know why, but all of a sudden, a sense of deja-vu washed over me.

I stood up and gazed at the tall, well-built man before me. He had olive-colored skin, with wavy dark brown hair. His eyes were a dark, chocolatey brown, and he sported a goatee. He was wearing a blue and red plaid shirt with dark blue jeans like me, and some beat up dark-blue converses.

"Hey kid, what's the problem?" He grinned at me.

Oh, it's nothing, sir. My car just got beat up by a very angry senior who's on the hunt for more troublesome teenage boys just like me to give them a whipping.

"I need to get somewhere before it gets too late. But the problem is, Black-" I coughed, "I mean, my cars' all beat up and I can't exactly walk there." I decided to keep my destination a secret for now, despite my strange urges to tell him.

"Ah." The man whistled wistfully and inspected the battered state Blackjack was in. "Say kid, how about I fix your car for you," He pointed to Blackjack, "If you answer a few questions of mine."

I contemplated the situation for a second. He raised his eyebrows, quietly waiting for me to answer.

I slowly looked at the man, then at Blackjack briefly before looking back at the man.



Eden's P.O.V

10:07 A.M

I heard footsteps coming towards my room. The door peeped open, and in came a short, stout and dark figure. The lights flicked on, and my visitor came into view. And so had my room. My chamber was absolutely pristine now. The walls had been repainted, and I quickly detected the smell of fresh paint. I scrunched my nose in distaste.

The floor was so clean that it reflected my hollow face back at me. It was the first time I had gotten a good look at myself - or any look for that matter.

My cheekbones were raised, giving my face an oval form. My eyes were the color of the sky, the color of waves beneath a scintillating sun. Light blue. And my hair; a somber yet conspicioius gold.

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