Chapter One: The Discovery

Start from the beginning

Andrew remembers the last time the expedition team had found something interesting. The way his father Adam had acted, it was almost like he had been waiting his whole life to find it only to discover later that it was just an ancient fishbone. "Tell him to not get his hopes up. We all know what happened last time." 

Ellie however appears to share Adam's enthusiasm. "This one's different. I can't tell you much about it right now, but I know it's big news. Maybe we can tell you all about it when you come to work tomorrow!" 

Andrew glances at the calendar on the wall, realizing that tomorrow is the day his parents had planned to show him around their new facility. It was a Saturday, meaning it would be the emptiest the facility would be all week due to non-essential workers heading home to their families. "Alright. Hey, is it alright if Will comes too? I think he's trying to get into that sort of Titan research thing." 

"Sure, honey. We'll be home in a couple hours, so try to get to bed soon ok?"

"Alright, bye mom. Love you." Andrew hangs up the phone, eating his sandwich as he waits for Will to get back to his computer. Despite having almost no interest in the scientific aspect of Titans, he wonders what exactly the expedition team had found. He had heard rumors of large sentient rocks, fearsome devils trapped in the darkest parts of the Hollow Earth, wonderous and terrifying bats with mystical powers, even flying snakes that could grow to gigantic proportions. With so much danger, it was a wonder anyone was allowed to go down at all. Still, only the most qualified teams were allowed to descend through Hong Kong, the arctic and other known tunnels. Andrew's parents worked at a facility above a tunnel discovered at Langara Island in British Columbia, giving them and their employers access to nearly everything that could be found in that area of the Hollow Earth. 

He hears Will's voice through the headset again. "Sorry, I can't play anymore today". Andrew picks it up. "It's alright Will. I'll see you tomorrow". Andrew then shuts down his computer, leaving his plate on his desk as he lies down in his bed. Hopefully tomorrow wouldn't be too boring...


(The next day, Alpha Bioengineering Facility)

"... and over here we have a tail spike left by a Titanus Doug. Careful analysis of this sample as well as biological matter from each of Godzilla's fights has all but confirmed an evolutionary link between this species and Titanus Gojira, likely indicating that many of the Hollow Earth Titans all share a common ancestor. While this remains to be confirmed by our counterparts in Hong Kong and Kazakhstan..."

Andrew and Will follow their tour guide Nancy through the waiting room of the facility. Soon after they had arrived, one of the researchers waiting there had asked Andrew's parents to follow them quickly. They had left the teens with Nancy to look at all of the Titan artifacts on display. Will of course was enjoying himself, though Andrew was bored out of his mind. Suppressing a yawn, he glances around at nothing in particular. There was no way he was going to stay there any longer.

"Hey Nancy, can you tell me where the washroom is?", Andrew asks.

Nancy pauses right in the middle of her explanation about the chest cavity of a creature that could supposedly produce oxygen in high quantities, making any environment habitable. "It's over there behind the check-in desk. We'll wait here until you come back".

"No, please don't", Andrew mutters. He quickly walks past the desk, waiting just outside the washroom as he pulls out his phone.

"What are you doing?" Will asks, making Andrew jump. He hadn't expected his friend to follow him. "Oh, come on Will. This stuff is boring and you know it".

Will frowns at him. "It might be boring to you, but I've been dreaming of working here since 2019. No phones, remember? I'm not about to get kicked out because of you".

Andrew thinks for a moment, knowing he has to find some way to convince Will to help him. "Doesn't being a researcher mean you have to explore, take risks and break rules all in the name of science? All Nancy's doing is telling us old news. What if we explore this place and uncover something groundbreaking before they can?"

Will looks doubtful, crossing his arms. "Like what?"

Andrew remembers the talk he had with his mother the night before. "My mom told me Alpha found something, but they didn't know what it was. It seemed to be a pretty big deal. If you figured it out, you'd be a legend! Besides, it wouldn't hurt to check, would it? We'd be back before anyone notices."

Will sighs, glancing behind him to check if Nancy was listening. "Fine. Ten minutes. If we don't find anything, we come straight back here."

Andrew nods. "Agreed. I already stole my dad's spare key card. With it, we can check out anything on this floor."

The two start walking quietly down the hallways of the facility, peaking in windows of laboratories and storage rooms as they avoid patrolling security guards. After a while, Will glances at his watch. "Four minutes. Can we please head back now?"

Andrew doesn't answer. Instead he stays staring through a large window, his eyes wide with amazement. "Look. They're cloning Skull Crawlers".

Will peaks through the window as well, seeing an extremely large room filled with row after row of red glowing eggs. He could see people standing beside the eggs, observing the them and writing notes on their notepads. Along the sides of the room were several cages of growling and roaring Skull Crawlers, constantly biting at the cage bars as people walked past, unfazed by the dangerous creatures. Some of the Skull Crawlers had various mutations such as webbed feet, extra legs or dorsal plates. There were also cages full of birdlike creatures, some of them hovering with deformed wings and coughing up acid or smoke at the bars. 

"They're not just cloning them, they're enhancing them." Will turns to Andrew, "I heard on a Titan conspiracy podcast that Apex Cybernetics was using altered versions of Titans to test Robo-Godzilla".

"I heard that too", Andrew says, "but I thought that was another branch of Apex on Skull Island. Why are they here now?"

"They must have moved them after the storms on Skull Island grew too severe. After Apex was disbanded, Alpha must have purchased most of their assets", Will says.

Andrew glances around, hoping nobody had spotted them yet. "Come on. Let's find something else."

"Are you kidding? This is big. We gotta tell someone about this."

"Relax, we'll ask my parents about it later. They'll have an explanation for all of this."

"Fine, we'll ask them. But we're going to go wait with Nancy until then-" Will stops, noticing something in the smaller window behind them. "Wait. Andrew, your parents are here".

Andrew peaks through the glass, instantly recognizing Ellie's and Adam's turned backs. They were blocking whatever they were looking at, but he could tell that they and the two other researchers with them were all excited about something. He could barely hear them saying "...bones in perfect condition...", "...successful procedure for both...". 

"I can't see what they're talking about", Andrew says. Will tries to look through the small window as well, pushing Andrew to the side. "Hey wait, I almost saw it." "No, you didn't. My angle's better" "Then maybe I should still be looking there". The two boys keep pushing each other, trying to get a better look, not noticing Adam turn around and walk slowly toward them until he stands right at the door, looking through the window with his arms crossed. 

Andrew and Will both freeze, looking right back at Adam's disappointed expression. They back away as Adam slides the door open. "What were you boys doing? You were supposed to be waiting with Nancy".

Andrew speaks up "Oh, come on dad. We got bored. You can't expect us not to with someone like Nancy talking."

"Nancy's responsible enough to do her job. And your job was to stay with Nancy-" Adam stops talking as something inside the room starts beeping. Ellie looks back at him, an excited expression on her face. "Adam, it's time. They're waking up."

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